Part Forty - Four.

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A week later on Saturday

Your Point Of View

Here I was at the mall shopping for snacks as we were all staying over at Calum's house again as it was some sort of routine now, go to school, on Saturdays we would stay over at Calum's house his parents didn't mind as they were barely at home because they were working, his sister was always in her room so she didn't bother us. Yet here I and Leila were at the mall getting snacks we had the lovely job of carrying bags of snacks full of junk food back.

All the time we were walking around the shops she kept pointing out to me guys that 'supposedly' were hot which I just shook my head and carried on, ignoring the fact she was trying to play cupid once again. Since the day I and Calum nearly kissed there hasn't been anything that has happened to us so obviously it was in the moment kind of thing, right? He didn't like me, I don't think anyway.

I was putting some strawberry laces, Haribos and whatever else I thought we would enjoy into a basket when Leila once again pointed out some guys that were 'hot'. Three of them to be precise. "If you think they're so hot go and speak to them then," I say looking at her, then moving along the aisle.

"Nah, I don't think I will. I mean, should I? Would you?" She asks looking at me."Well, you think they're hot so why not" I say looking at her."I don't know. I think I'll leave it" She says which I look and see them walking over. "You won't have no choice, they're on the way over because you were looking way too much," I say which she rolls her eyes at me playfully. "No they aren't don't be stupid," she says."We shall see" I say going to say but was stopped by the three guys Leila kept looking at.

"Do you know where the sweets aisle is?" One of them asked."We're standing in it, you idiot! " Another one of the guys said to him. Talk about stupidity. "Oh right, strawberry laces. Oh, I love those. Excuse me" he says walking past us to get some laces making me smile at his stupidity. "Sorry about him, he's a little stupid," The taller one said. "Ahh that is fine," Leila says butting in which he looks at her. "And you are?" he asks making Leila look at him shocked at his rudeness.

"Leila, I'm YN's best friend," She says which he looks at me and smirks. "Oh I thought you looked familiar," he says, which I looked at him. Who was he and how did he know me?

"Not to be rude, you know who I am but who are you?" I ask looking at him curiously wondering who he was. "Oh we're good friends of your boyfriend, Luke," he says. " He's not my boyfriend anymore," I say looking at him, then Leila who was busy talking to the other guy which I looked back to him. "Oh right I don't think he mentioned us, though, we've just come from out of town." He says I nod my head. "He didn't tell me much anyway. What're your names?" I ask.

"I'm Carter. Carter Reynolds" He says. " This is Cameron Dallas," he says pointing to the guy Leila was having a conversation with.

" Then the boy who is down there is Nash, Nash Grier," he says which I nod my head listening. "Oh, right. He never mentioned you" I say, he nodded his head. He then looks at the basket then looks back at me.

"They all for you?" He asks grinning. "No of course not," I say shaking my head. " Sleepover, our job was to get the snacks," I say smiling, he smiles at me.

"Oh I see, good choice," he says I nod my head in agreement."Who have you come to see anyway?" Leila asks butting back into the conversation having stopped talking to Cameron.

"A close friend of ours, he's called Jacob," He says looking at Cameron then back to me.

Jacob, Jacob. Jacob where had I heard that name before, that's right the guy Luke warned us about, they surely weren't friends with him were they? They're so nice. I shook that thought of my head there was no way it could be possible.

"Oh, well it was nice talking to you guys. We should be going now" Leila says, grabbing my arm and dragging me down the aisle away from them. "Bye guys" I shout looking back at them, they waved. I turned back and looked at her once we got to the self-checkout, pulling my arm out of her tight grip.

"Did you have to do that? You could have said goodbye or something not pulls me away like I was a rag doll, Leila" I say looking at her. "I'm sorry, it's-" she was about to say but stopped talking to see them walk out of the shop, she looked back at me. "Something is giving me a weird feeling about them," she says, I shake my head.

"You thought they were hot now you have got a weird feeling about them, it's all in your head Leila, they're nice guys," I say, picking some of the packets of sweets up and scanning them then putting them in the bag which I repeated this process about five times before all the sweets were scanned and in the bags, I then pressed finish and pay. I looked at the price which was £4.50. I put a £5 note in to pay, I then got my change when it came out of the machine and the receipt, picking up the bags and walking out with Leila.

"Let's get back to Calum's," Leila says changing the topic which I nod. " I know they probably think we've run off with the sweets," I say making Leila laugh. " Michael wouldn't be happy," She said making me happy.

Luke's Point Of View

After the talk with Jacob, I was able to go thankfully I had promised not to say anything even though I wasn't going too. I got up off the floor and picked my bags up putting the straps on my shoulder and walked out of the door now it was unlocked. I walked up the stairs from the basement up to the house. I walked through the hallways to be greeted by Carter, Cameron and Nash walking in through the door which Nash was eating strawberry laces.

He's always eating, it's all he ever does. I walked past them, my shoulder brushed against Carter's causing him to glare at me. I was about to walk through the door when I heard my name. "Oh, Luke" I hear a voice say which knew was Carter speaking. I turned to look at him to see he was looking at me with a smirk on his face yet again. I'd love to wipe that smirk off his smug face one day."What?" I ask.

"Talked with YN. I mean she's way hotter seeing her face to face then far away" he says smirking at me, I glare at him."She wouldn't even talk to you." I say, Carter chuckles.

"Oh she did, I mean we really hit it off, talking like we were friends, stupid really she thought I was one of your friends from out of town I mean it's funny how she believes anything," He says looking at me, I was getting angry at him.

"Bye Lucas, remember what we told you," he says looking at me.

I didn't even care what he said, I made my way out of the front door, closing it behind me and started walking back to the street I knew so well, I needed to see if YN was alright to make sure he didn't do anything, I hated Carter and he hated me it showed so well, the thing that Cameron told me just kept repeating in my mind over and over again.

If Carter had an eye for YN then he obviously would try to do something already, he's already spoken to her and she was talking to him like he was a friend of mine which worried me as he's got away with talking to the ladies.

This was all my fault if I hadn't gotten into trouble, nothing would have happened with Jacob and then Carter, Cameron and Nash wouldn't have been watching them all, that would mean Carter would never have seen YN.

If anything happens to YN I will never forgive myself. 

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