Part Twenty - nine.

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I and Leila both went and got changed in the bathroom, separate ones due to Calum's house were huge and there were about three bathrooms.

I got changed after having a quick shower as Calum said the night before if we wanted one we could without needing to ask, so I had a quick shower to freshen up. I got out of the shower after turning it off, wrapping a towel around my body. I searched in my bag for clean underwear and a bra which I found in no time and put them on.

I then put on a pair of jeans and a top with my sandals as I put them in my bag. I then put all my dirty clothes and underwear back into my bag, zipping it shut. I then opened the other compartment of my bag and pulled out my toothbrush, which I brushed my teeth using the toothpaste which was in the bathroom. I then dried my toothbrush and put it back into my bag. I sprayed some perfume that I had and put that back into my bag.

I had gotten my brush and brushed through my hair putting it into a high ponytail. I made sure all my things were back into my bag before I unlocked the door. I picked up my bag, and put the wet towel I used for my shower into the washing basket. Unlocking the door and having one more quick look to make sure I didn't leave anything behind, I walked out to bump into Luke.

"Sorry", I say. "no worries", he says smiling and walks back into the room we slept in. I put my bag in the room which I and Leila were supposed to share. I then noticed she was ready and we were just waiting for the boys, so we went back downstairs into the living room while we waited, we put the music channel on. We being girls started to dance to music when Lucy came and joined us once she was ready.

We must have been dancing around for ten minutes when the boys came down as they were now ready. The music stopped as the television was turned off.

"Heyy" we screamed. "Let's go", Ashton says. We all go out the door as Calum locks it behind us after we were all out. We all started our walk to the mall which wasn't far really. Ashton was holding Lucy's hand.

Aww. Not aww when they wake you up at two in the morning have sex. Michael was next to Ashton while me and Leila, Luke and Calum were walking behind.

"What are you going to buy Y/N?" Leila asks me. "Earplugs" I joke, causing Luke to chuckle. "Why?" She asks. "So next time Ashton and Lucy decide to have sex at two am I won't be able to hear it," I say which they turn around looking shocked. "Yes we heard you", Leila says. "Did all of you?" Lucy says, covering her face. "Yes", we all say.

"Oh I'm so sorry," Lucy says embarrassed. "It's okay, luce at least we know if there is any chance of us being kidnapped you would be able to save us all due to how loud you scream, "Leila says making the boys burst out laughing, Lucy's face turned bright red.

At the mall;

"So what shops?" Lucy asks. " I think Forever Twenty one," Leila says which we nod. I, Leila and Lucy link arms and walk in front leaving the boys trailing behind.

We walk into the shop and start searching for clothes, rack by rack. "Found anything yet?" I ask. "Nope. Nothing what so ever" Lucy says. "I've found loads", Leila says with an arm full of clothes over her arms.

"Wow," I say looking at the clothes she had over her arm. "They're half price," She says while carrying on through the shop. I and Lucy decided to follow looking now and again at some of the clothes but nothing was catching my eye and I didn't see anything I wanted to buy.

I sighed. "There's got to be something you like" I hear a voice say from behind, which I turned round to see Luke. "There's nothing here," I say to him, "You know why because these aren't your type of clothes," Luke says, which I just stared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask crossing my arms, slightly offended by what he had just said.

" You don't like tight clothes which show your cleavage like this" Luke says pulling one of the tops from the rack to prove his point. "Wow, you do pay attention," I say, taking it from him and putting it back on the rack before walking to look at the other side of the shop which had dresses and jeans which I liked which of course Luke followed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke asks from behind. "Nothing", I say searching through the dresses. Luke grabs my wrist to make me look at him. "What Luke?"

"What did you mean by you do pay attention?" he asks looking at me, "Does it matter?" I ask. He stays quiet for a second. "Exactly. It doesn't. If you don't mind I'll have my wrist back now" I say pulling it out of Luke's grasp and carried on searching. I pick up a red dress.

"That's horrible,"  Luke says, which I turn round. " and why is that?" I ask bitterly. "Because it's slutty and if you wear it you'll look like a slut." He says.

"Well, it'll be something you're used to having then won't it!"I say snapping at him, getting annoyed at his remarks. I then see his neck veins sticking out, which when I looked at his face I knew he was angry. " You know I don't do sluts" he says through gritted teeth. "Well, your reputation says differently," I say walking away.

I knew that Luke didn't sleep with sluts he doesn't even sleep around but I don't know why I had to say something he was annoying me so bad and getting me angry. I just let the words slip out of my mouth.

"Well you're not exactly the person everyone thought they knew are you", Luke says grabbing my arm, I stop and turn to look at him.

"What?" I ask. "You know what I'm on about what you told us last night, Y/N. Your not so innocent are you. You're nothing but" Luke says coldly.

"You're comparing what I've done to yours. Yours is way worse Luke." I say bitterly making Luke laugh sarcastically.

"Don't lie, Luke. You and I both know I'm an angel compared to you, Luke. Your way worse you're the devil in disguise." I say causing Luke to glare at me. " And I wonder why that guy you were with for a year ended it with you, you're a horrible bitch. I don't blame him for not wanting you or I don't blame him for cheating on you if he did either. I bet he laughed at night knowing you were there thinking he loved you when he was probably sleeping with somebody else that night." He says coldly. I just looked at him.

I felt burning in my eyes, I knew tears were fighting the way to try to come out, but I wouldn't let them, I wasn't going to crying not in front of Luke. He wasn't getting the satisfaction knowing he hurt me. The thing is he had gotten it all right and that was the thing that hurt the most. I couldn't lie and try to talk my way out of what he said because it was the truth.

I wanted to slap him but I couldn't. I just pulled my arm away and walked away with tears rolling down my face. I was just about to walk out of the shop when I heard. "Luke you stupid ass hole"

"What? she needed to hear it. Think she can't do any wrong. She just the same as me." I hear Luke says.

"You're an idiot" I hear Ashton say as the last thing I heard before I walked out of the shop and decided to go home not wanting to hear one more word come out of Luke's mouth and I didn't want to see him not after what he said to me. 

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