Part Thirty- Eight.

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I pulled away from Calum's hug.  Something was telling me to ring Luke, why? I have no idea, I had to try maybe he would pick up if he knew it was me or maybe he wouldn't but right now I needed to know where he was, did he really think it was great to leave a note like that saying if I don't return this is goodbye and fair well. I had so many questions running around my mind, how much trouble was he in? How bad was Jacob? Where was Luke? Is he even alive?

I had to shake the last thought out of my head, Luke was alive, he was alive, I knew it but where he was I have no idea. I couldn't help but think maybe it was a dream and I would wake up any second and Luke would still be here and this would all be over but I knew it wasn't. I knew it wasn't a dream, I wish it was but this was reality and not having Luke here would be weird. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it and dialling Luke's number. Yes, I still had it after everything.

"Yn what are you doing?" Calum asks.

"Ringing Luke, He'll pick up. I know he will" I say, holding the phone to my ear as it ringing.

"He won't answer, Yn. You read the note.." Calum says, putting his hand on my shoulder. " I know you want him too, but he won't he said it was for the best if he didn't have any contact with any of us, he won't answer, Yn. Don't do this to yourself" he continues. "He will," I say in denial, I then heard his voice.

"Hey!" I started to smile as he had picked up. " Sorry I can't get to the phone right now as I'm currently busy so leave a message and I'll get back to you," his recorded message said and then it went off. I ended the call and looked at Calum, he was right he wouldn't pick up."He's actually gone" I say. " He's actually gone" I repeat, Calum looked at me with sympathy. "Let's go, it's obviously not helping you being in this house," he says which I nod. I put the note in my pocket when Calum wasn't looking.

We walked out of Luke's room, down the stairs through the hallway into the kitchen and out the back door, which we locked and put the key under the doormat, making our way to his front garden which then we started walking."I can't believe he's gone" Calum says which I nod.

"He went without saying goodbye, even though I said I didn't want anything to do with him, he could have at least said goodbye. I mean he's not going to communicate with any of us, what if he's not alive Calum or if he seriously needs help because he's injured what will he do then?" I say looking at him.

"Don't think like that YN. Don't you think like that? He's fine. He'll be back before you know it. He'll be back annoying you before you know it." Calum says as we carried on walking.

Would he be back? I thought to myself.

"I'm going to meet up and fill the guys in on what happened?" Calum says, looking at me. "Do you want to come?" he asks."No, I'm just going to go home." I say which he nods, I go to walk away when he spoke again. "Yn." "Yeah?" I say looking at him. "He'll be fine," he says giving me a reassuring smile which I nod. I was just about to start walking again when he called me."Yn" "Yes Calum" "Oh and stay away from Jacob." he says which I nod.

I walked home on my own as Calum went a different way to go to the guys to tell them about what has happened with Luke and about the note he left behind. I had taken the note which was in my pocket. I just needed to know that Luke was fine, that was all. I decided that he'd probably be back soon enough and be back to annoying me and asking for my forgiveness.

I had gotten home, walking through the front door closing it behind me. I then walked up the stairs and walked into my room, I shut the door behind me which I turned to look at the box which was on top of my wardrobe, I walked over to the wardrobe and reached up and got the box putting it down on the floor.

I sat down and opened it to see all the pictures of me and Luke that I had when we were together, I couldn't throw them. I picked them up and looked through them.

Where were you, Luke? I kept thinking while I was looking at them individually. You said I was nobody to you were you protecting me from Jacob? I guess I would never know but I knew one thing for sure the only person that knew where Luke was, was Jacob. If he was the person I need to speak to find out where Luke was then so it. I then stopped thinking about that crazy thought of speaking to Jacob when my phone started beeping which I took out my pocket and looked at my phone, I had a new message which was from an unknown number it said.

From Unknown:

I know you're probably thinking of going and speaking to Jacob. Don't. You'll put yourself in a dangerous position.

I looked at it. Who the hell was this? How did they even know I was thinking of speaking to Jacob? I know one thing for sure that whoever it was, was not going to stop me from speaking to him.

I then received another text from the same person.

From Unknown: I don't think Luke would be happy to find out that you had gotten hurt just because you didn't listen to him.... don't be stupid.

I looked at the message maybe I was being stupid, how was I supposed to even find Jacob anyway? Nevermind if I did I could end up getting Luke hurt which wasn't worth it. Maybe I just had to sit tight and wait for Luke to come back even though that could be a long time. I put the pictures back into the box and then shoved the box under my bed not wanting to put it back on my wardrobe. I took the note out of my pocket and then got up off the floor, walking over and putting it into my desk drawer. I walked back over to my phone, unlocking it again and looked at the message.

'Maybe this person is trying to scare you a voice in my head said.'You heard the person in the message you could get hurt by not listening to Luke's warning' another voice said.

'Jacob could be the key to finding out where Luke is'

'Don't be stupid, you could end up being hurt'

'she still loves him of course sometimes you have to take risks in your life'

'risks that could end up getting yourself killed?!'

'You should listen to Luke, the person and Calum don't go near Jacob'

I shook my head trying to get rid of the voices, I didn't have any idea what to do but I knew I had to decide something, should I leave it and see if Luke will come back or should I go and talk to Jacob? 

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