Part Sixty-Six .

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2 weeks later;

Luke's Point Of View

I had finally been released from the hospital after staying there for two weeks, Yn, on the other hand, was allowed to go home a week ago as apparently, her wound wasn't as bad as mine. I don't see how we were both shot, weren't we? Of course, we were. I had finally got home and of course, my mother had found out what happened well not all about it just about being shot which meant I was on mothers watch.

I couldn't even leave the house without my mother texting me to see if I was alright, I mean come on. Yes I was shot but I still need time to be alone, I'm a boy for heaven's sake. I had to keep changing my bandages every day which was a god damn nuisance. I mean it's annoying. I had just begun to walk out of the house as I was capable and wasn't in much pain. I needed to go and see everyone, when I mean everyone I mean YN.

Let's just say, I heard something the other day while I was in the hospital to do with Carter and right now I needed to know if it was true. I was pissed at the thought of what happened but if it's true then. I really don't know how I'm going to react. Opening the door quietly, I knew if my mother heard me she would tell me to go back to bed. I opened it and sneaked out closing it quietly behind me. I then walked down the driveway quickly walking to Yn's house.

YN's house;

I knocked on the door, I then noticed Yn's parent's car wasn't on the drive. Turning back to look at the door as I saw it was now open, I looked to see Calum was stood there shirtless with his hair looking messy. Raising my eyebrow at him. Did he have sex with Yn? I knew he was in love with her but would he really pull a move on her?

"I know what you're probably thinking but it's not what it looks like," Calum says, moving from the door letting me walk in. I walk in, closing the door to look at him again. "Really, because to me it seems like your standing shirtless with messy hair so what would it look like to me?" I say sarcastically while looking at him, looking at Calum he started to smirk.

"Geez, Luke. You're so jealous" he says shaking his head while laughing. "Yn's upstairs," he says slowly before walking into the living room. I watched him then looked up at the stairs. Holding onto the bannister I made my way up the stairs. Reaching the top, I walked along the hallway and pushed YN's room door open slowly to hear her cussing.

Walking in, she hadn't noticed me. I then noticed she had her top halfway up her body and was obviously trying to wrap the bandage back around her body to make sure the dressing hadn't moved. I started to chuckle, maybe a little too loud as YN'S head turned around rapidly and she was looking at me.

"It's not funny, Luke," She says pouting at me, making me chuckle louder. "It is," I say walking closer to her, so I was standing in front of her."Here let me help you" I say, taking the bandage from YN's hands and wrapping it around her body to make sure the wound was covered up properly so there was no chance of infection. After doing the bandage, I helped YN pull down her top carefully. I looked at her sending her a smile which she returned.

"Shouldn't you be at home resting, you've only just left the hospital?" Yn says looking at me with her eyebrow raised. I smiled. "I wanted to see you," I say which she smiles. "Yeah but Luke, you need to rest," Yn says walking over to her bed and climbing onto it and sitting down. She then pats the space next to her, which I walk over and get onto the bed, I lay down next to Yn while she sat up. I then felt YN playing with my hair. Damn, I love that.

10 minutes later;

I had just remembered why I had come to see Yn as I was distracted. I looked at her. "Yn?" "Yes Luke" "I've heard something about Carter," I say looking at her to see her looking at me.

Your Point Of View

"Yeah what about him?" I ask looking at Luke."I've heard he came to see you and asked to make a deal about not shopping him to the police" Luke says through gritted teeth. Luke then looked at me to which I turned and looked away."Who told you that?"I ask quietly. "That's all you care about who told me? Seriously YN?!" Luke says looking at me.

"You wouldn't understand," I say looking at him."I did it for you. I didn't want you being arrested." I say looking at him.

I looked at him as he stared at me, I could tell by the facial expressions he wasn't pleased with me as he had just found out about the whole Carter situation about him coming to the hospital and making the deal with me. Looking away, I stopped the eye contact between the two of us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke asks harshly, I look at him to see him staring back at me."Because I didn't want you to be angry with me" I say hearing him scoff. "You didn't want me to be angry with you?" Luke says which I nod. "I'm beyond pissed Yn," Luke says." I was doing it for you. I didn't want to see you arrested-" I was about to say but was cut off.

"I don't care about why you did what you did, I can't believe you lied to me," Luke says, which I scoffed. "Really, Luke really?" I say looking at him. "You're going to say that, what about you, you've lied so many times to me, now. You're not Mr innocent either. You're just as bad as me" I say which he glares at me and moves closer to me.

"What did you say?" He asks bitterly."You heard me, don't be a stupid asshole-" I was about to say when I felt his lips collide with mine. I was in shock, but straight away I kissed him back, our lips moving in sync with one another. Pulling away a couple of seconds later, I rested my head against his.

"You know something," I say which he looks at me. "What?" " A long time ago, if I ever said I would have gone through this amount of stuff with you, someone would have told me I was crazy and to run a mile from you," I say which he looks at me. "Maybe you should have run a mile, " he says which I just look at him a little disappointed by his words. "And if I did run, what would you of done?" I ask looking at him, which he smiles at me.

"I would have run after you and then I would never let you go," He says, I smiled at him. 

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