10 - I love you

22 9 0

Alexandra Watson

I walk towards Liam who's waiting outside his car and by looking at him i can tell that, just like me even he's feeling nervous. He looks so handsome even though he's just wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. His hair perfectly up. He's just perfect. He's perfect for me.

"Hey you look beautiful" he holds my hand.

"You don't look bad either" I say and he opens the door being the gentleman he is and I sit. I watch as he gets into the car.

He looks at me and smiles "Ready?"

"Yes" I answer feeling the goose bums. This is really happening.
"But where are we going Li"

"It's a surprise" he says driving his car.

"I hate surprises" I mumble looking out of the window.

"You will love this one" he says concentrating on the road. God please let this date go well without any drama or any sort of disaster.

"So today in school you told me you'll let me know about why you were smiling." He keeps his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I actually had a dream. More like a flashback of us." I smile thinking about it.

"About is eh. What was it?" He smirks.

"It was the day when we were playing that kitchen kitchen game where I had to serve you and you kept yelling at me" I laugh.

"Oh yeah and then you start crying like a baby". He laughs.

"Hey I was a kid okay, and you instead of comforting me you called you're Mom to stop me from crying."

He laughs again "I was a kid okay."

"Yeah whatever" i say. "That's it I dreamt of."

"Okay." He drives and I suddenly know where we are headed off to. The lake we used to go there a lot when we were younger.

"Li are we going to the lake?" I ask as he parks the car nearby.

"Yes we are" he opens the door getting out and coming towards my side opening the door for me and I smile.

"I have a basket and a mat, let me just bring it."
He says and I narrow my eyes.

"We're having a picnic?"

"Yup. Just like the old days. I wanted to relive those moments with you." He gets the basket out and I help him holding the mat.

"Wow Li I didn't expect this at all. Thank you so much" I say as we walk towards the lake.

"The evening it's just starting Andy don't thank me now. Let's sit there?" He points at the place near the tree.

"Perfect" I say as I spread the mat and Liam sits on it. I scoop next to him facing the lake.

"So Andy how come you came back and joined school. Honestly after you left I thought you'll never come back. How's you're Dad" he asks starting at the lake. I suddenly feel cold not knowing how to tell him. I never actually spoke about Dad to anyone accept Kate.

"U-uh H-He's" I stop and he looks at me bring concerned.
"He's no more" I manage to say I can feel the tears starting to form. No lex your not going to cry. Please no.

"What? How? Shit Andy I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" he hugs me.

"It's alright, you need to know, When we moved away, after two years, when I think I was ten Dad got married to a women named Christina. My step mother. I call her Tina. She have two daughters who are twins who are my step sisters named Lilly and Daisy. When I was eleven Dad passed away from heart attack. I completely broke. I felt like I was completely alone I didn't even know what to do. Then finally after few years I convinced Christina that I would move and come back here. I needed to see you Li I felt so broke." I manage to tell him, it's not the complete truth but he doesn't need to know the truth. I told Kate the same thing as well.

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