12th grade?

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I wake to the sound of my phone buzzing off my night stand due to the friends that I have smh... I open the group chat that the 5 of us had together

The Weirdos

Angry muffin•(laila )
Guys guys guys it's the freaking first day of 11th grade ombgghddjnx

Yea Ik ugh now I have to to see Mr. Mack's bum face again...🙄

...guys shut up trying to make sense of my outfit

Hey on the bright side we all have the same lunch period so that's great🙌 also I'm going to 12 so don't say 'gUyS'
**readers note Laylani skipped 11th and is now on her senior year OK back to the story**

•j💀• (jalen)
Yesss foood

I close the chat and plop my body right back down on my warm sheets I think about how crappy this school year could go and how it could turn out great.

I decide to get up, after 5 mins of staring into space, and put on my outfit (I already picked it out bc I don't want to look like a hot mess on the first day) unwrap my hair brush my teeth and have extra time bc I wake up super early not knowing when the bus would come.

As I grab my bag and get ready to make my way down stairs I glance out the window and see Zion walking around the corner to go to Edwins house, since Edwin and I have known each other since the sandbox I think nothing of it. But Zion and I never really talked tho i didn't care much anyway. I close my room door shut and walk down the stairs to see Kayla standing in the kitchen she says to me

"gm favorite sister" as she puts the emphathis on the favorite part, but I reply with a good energy...don't have time to feed into this crap...

"heyy hope u had a nice sleep"my words hit her like she had seen a ghost or something.

"oh so now u want to love me? God so bipolar i guess I'll love you back just for today" the fact that our convos are so mean but we really do love each other really shows the bond, she laughed as well just so we don't end up on a bad note like usually. I walk into the living room and see Kaden curled up on the couch sleeping like a baby in the womb. I wake him up by nudging him a lil, he wakes up all puffy eyed and adorable I ask

"whatchu doing out here on the couch?"
he said back
" I wanted to watch you leave and go off to school to make sure your safe...so I woke myself up and tried to stay up for you...guess I failed"

"Awww nugget no u didn't actually u did awesome my morning wouldn't be this great if it wasn't for you"
His face lit up


"yuup you did, now why don't you get your butt in bed before you miss your first day of 1st grade" his face went back to disappointment

"oh yeah I'll see you later" I saw the sadness in his eyes and I just had to ask

"hey why the sad face?"

"they always keep me and Jay apart from each other it's not fair i miss her mostest at play time" I said what ever I could to cheer him up

"well one day you guys won't have to be apart anymore and promise you that" his face went back to happy so he left gave me a big hug and went up to his room

I noticed the clock started to tick and yet there was no bus. I looked at my sister as she opens the door to go outside, I stop her in her tracks and ask

"can u please drive me to school??" Ofc she says back

"Aw baby sis I wish, but I have to pick up my friends and if u become friends with my friends it's weird...you kno...ok how bout this I bring you to school Wednesday ok?"

"ugh fine I guess" I said as I roll my eyes

I hear the bus coming and I quickly rush out the door, forgetting to eat, and see Edwin staring and shaking his head, him and I used to be super close but I stopped talking to him because of my ex....it's a long story anyway the way he was shaking his head bothered me so much I said

"wHattt" his cute dimples showed once I said that he laughed a lil louder than I thought

"oh nothing just the fact that you didn't change one bit and after 11 years of knowing each other your still semi late to everything" he laughed a lil more

"well hey black people are always late" **hey it's not racist if I'm black lmao**

"get on the bus loser" he teased at me

"I might be a loser but at least I'm not an idiot" with those last words to him I got on the bus and picked out my seat, 2 seats from the very back seat, I sat by myself and I liked it.

DUDE (zion kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now