She sent you what?

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Nick's P.O.V

Laylani and Edwin have been going at it for about 5 minutes, and we are starting to cause a scene on a whole other level , i tried to clam it down but they both yelled at me at the same time. it was sooooo funny, like my face said 'worried' but on the inside i was dead ass crying, if i could i would burst into a laughing fit but the situation is too important to them at the moment so i kept quiet.

once Edwin showed laylani the phone, she busted out laughing so hard that her words weren't coming out right "akekekekekek.....did she just send that...bahahahah...bro whatttt, imma start crying man" i wanted to laugh sooo bad but i didn't wanna be that one friend that laughs at everything but doesn't know that facts but i laugh anyway because Layli's laugh is too contagious

"wait let me see" i say as he slides the phone over to my face and i laugh even harder "a 'put me on your snap' thingy i'm done pftttttfsksks" i can't believe edwin lost only to open that damnnn.

Laylani's P.O.V.

i walk into the house after Edwin driving everyone home. i walk up the stairs and sit on the edge of my bed "see your dumbass don't know how to listen, i knew she was gonna send something useless" i laugh but i try to cover it with a cough

"i have no words, really,this shits out rages" he says as he starts to laugh "i cant believe i thought it would be something special, oh well maybe i should just drop her" he shrugs his shoulders and walks into my bathroom but before he could walk in i say "who needs a girl when you have ME!?"

"shut up" he says as he closed the door behind him. i couldn't tell if reality hit him or that he just doesn't care anymore because every time he would talk to her it was like he was talking to a brick wall. i never told him to move on or anything because she's not a horrible girl and i want him to be happy but obviously she's blind as ever if she can't see that he has a thing for her, but hey i shouldn't meddle...or should i...nahhh
"are you good?" Kayla said as she waved her hand in my face
"where did you come from..."

"i walked through the- i dont have time for your dumb questions i just came in here to kinda apologize, i didn't get to say anything to you since that night..."

"it's ok..."

"oh well-"

i cut her off "actually it's not ok, that's really messed up that you would do that to me, like how do you even get yourself into that situation, and even though we aren't together anymore, and never will be, just don't talk to him because that shit is ode weird. and the fact that you even let him get you into that- never mind, i'm tired of thinking about him anyway" Edwin comes out the bathroom

"oh hey Kayla, i haven't seen you in like months" he gives her a hug and then sits down on the bed next to me
"yea i haven't seen you in a while either, it's nice to see you though!" she told a total lie, she only cares about herself and if it was nice to see him she could've said hey to him in the hallways or something, but i'm not even gonna jump into that.
"so i guess we can talk about this tomorrow?" i know for a fact that she's not gonna want to talk about it at all tomorrow so i say "oh no that's ok we can finish the convo right now" i say with a half smile
"but what about Edwin?" she started to get awkward and quiet towards the end of the sentence

"oh ummm i can go down stairs if you want" he starts to make his way out of the room but i grab the end of his shirt, he's my only way to win this "discussion" about Juwany that may turn into an argument if something disrespectful comes out of her mouth.

"what about him? whatever you have to say to me i'm fine if Eddie hears it too" i say still gripping onto shirt

"oh? well then i just came to say i'm sorry for the whole thingy, i just wanna keep it simple"

"simple? ohhh simple, so simple means to spitefully do things behind your own sisters back? or does it mean to be sneaky because that summer i knew you guys were 'talking' or whatever, but i thought i could work things out with him but turns out he wasn't the problem, it was you. and by you being soo simple you let him think that he could mess with the both of us and everything be cool, ITS JUST THE FACT THAT-"

"Layli chill, it's ok, he's not worth talking about, remember, T R A S H" he gives me a smile but i ignore it because i'm way too caught up in the moment of being heated

"no Eddie, do you see the bullshit i go through, its insane! i thought that she would have my back out of all people but no she cares only about herself and her wants and i'm tired of it!" i say this hoping that she would realize how much of an impact she made on me but she just didn't get it

"oh my god, see Laylani this is why i don't like to talk to you when it comes to this stuff because you get all emotional about it, like all i'm trying to say is that i'm sorry"

"sorry? did you ever care to think that Juwany was my first boyfriend that i actually cared about, any other boy was a waste of my time, i really thought that Juwany was a forever type thing but no i thought that if i treated him better then he would stop talking to you! i put his happiness first and then my own and i should've never done that. i broke up with him and shut out everyone including edwin because my heart was broken...but you never noticed. but whatever, your dismissed, out" i've done enough of getting mad tonight so i just wanted her gone

"look at you being over dramati-"

"Kayla! your not making it any better" Edwin looked at her and signaled her to drop it

"fine" and with that she walked out of my room. i wrapped my self in my covers and started to feel my eyelids get heavy so i say to Edwin "damn and i wanted to talk about you and Chloe"

"there's nothing much to us" he laughed "like i said before 'out rages' mannn" we both fell asleep, but he was in the bean bag chair"

don't come at me😭i didn't know how to make "laughing" sounds

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