You Sure?

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~march 13th~

~Laylani's p.o.v~

"it's like i'm pressured to talk about it or even think about it sometimes" i vent as i walk with nick and kam

"wait i'm lost what's 'it' " nick says trying to understand

"nothing to worry about i just need some type of distraction"

"wellll there is a fair in town or like mini golf, that's mad two can go together" nick points at the both of us

"and why can't you go" it's not that i don't wanna go with kam, i just wanna hear nicks lame excuse

"i gotta study so i can make it to senior year...something you two don't have to do"

"ok you have a point"

"i'd be down, just us?" kam says smiling

"yea why not it'll be fun"


~Zions p.o.v~

"bro did layli tell you anything about us" i look back at edwin

"no...she's been all laughs recently"

"she's been ignoring me for periods of time out of nowhere and it's weird"

"she's probably having an internal breakdown, happens once a month" he shrugs it off

"and you're not gonna help her"

"she always figures out the problem on her on usually i have to drag her out the house so that she can vent but i don't know what's been up with her lately"

"at least she talks to you"

"stop getting caught up in's laylani we are talking about, i bet you 20 that she'll forgive you before her birthday comes"

"are you sure about that"

"matter fact she's typing right now" he turns his phone to me "you can act like me if you want just don't go overboard"

"ok..." i stare at the phone and watch the bubble disappear and then come back and it was like that for a good 30 seconds

[edwiiiin kameron and i are probably going to the fair...just us]

read  how is she already going out with someone, Kameron at that

[im prob not gonna go tho...i still wanna talk to zion and stuff, yk tell him what alana told me💀]

[lmaoo you should go talk to him]

[i just hope that kam doesn't think that i'm trying to make a move or something, i just need to clear my mind and do something fun]

[you can do that with us too]

[im always with u loser]

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