Another week?

117 6 2

"and don't forget to layer up" my mom says as she looks at me through the screen
"yes i know, i know, i will"

"awww we miss you guys so much, i just wanna come back home already" my dad says as if he's not enjoying his time in Peru

"it's all alright guys...aunt Taylor comes and checks up on us time to time" NOT

"i know but still...oh i think we have to go honey but i'll call back later" my dad turns around and looks back at the people that he's working with

"yea layli we'll see you in like a week, so don't go missing us too much" my mom says as i go to reach for the red x in the corner

i chuckle to myself because i know for sure i'm not gonna be missing them too hard"ok i'll call back later byeeeee"

"soooo what's the plan" edwin says as he stops throwing the ball in the air and turns his head to look at me

"i have a week to do whatever i want so we better make this last" i get up from the desk in his room and start to make my way to the door

"and where are you going?"

i point to the door " want some?"

"sit down, i have a secret stash hidden and my parents can't get to it" he says as if it's some serious FBI shit

"ouuu where's it at?"

"what bro? you really think imma tell you...HA" he laughs obnoxiously at me

"i'm getting tired of you, where's the rest of the group, weren't we suppose to meet up here?"

"i dunno" he shrugs his shoulders and walks out the room to go get some snacks from his stash. i text the group chat to see if we're still all going to the game together
*snapchat, group chat with just laylani,nick,zion, and edwin*

diSręspEctFül asses‼️

[so imma just act like u guys actually showed up on time...]

[😂i'm bout to leave the house]

[oh? i'm already there dumdum]

[well then come upstairs🤦🏽‍♀️]

"chill layli we just got home from school like 2 hours ago" nick says as he walks through edwins room door and sits on his bed

"and? i don't care. plus the game starts around 6 andddd i wanna be late-ish"

"english please?" zion says as he pokes his head through the door

"nah i'm just saying that i don't wanna be at the game when it's not already going on, like the best time to pop up is when everyone is already-"

"yes, yes, we get it layli" edwin walks in the room with the snacks and immediately cuts me usual

"WELL THANKS FOR CUTTING ME OFF YOU BUM!....but yea that's it"

" what are we gonna do while we're waiting to leave for the game?" zion says as he spins me gently with his foot on the chair i'm sitting in

"i don't know, he's the one who envited us" i shrug my shoulders and pointing at edwin from across the room

"uhmmm chill?" edwin then shrugs his shoulders

"oh lord this i gonna be a looong 4 hours" nick started to complain

Nicks p.o.v

"so where are we gonna sit now?"

" the middle" laylani says in a duh tone

"ughh layli are you blind allll the middle seats are taken because you wanted to be late"

"ohh shut up, i have connections" she says as she points directly in the middle to a bunch a JV kids that had their game a couple hours ago and are just staying to watch the Varsity game instead of going home

"but aren't those a bunch of freshman and sophomores?" edwin says to her as he starts to walk forward to get a better view of the crowd

"yea they are...and?" we all looked at her like she was crazy "look, since we're upper classmen they lowkey look up to us and want to be cool around us so it's mad easy to become friends with them, plus they owe me soooo much money" layli adds

"so by you telling us that whooole that supposed to make us sit there with them?" i ask even knowing that she is gonna sit there with or without us

"really nick" she says with a straight face "i don't want to leave you guys AGAIN in the stands alone so just come with" she starts to walk and of course the three of us all follow. as we walk closer we hear all of them starting to get loud because layli came was kinda weird, not gonna lie, all i heard were a bunch of "hey layli" "yo where were you last game" "my slimmme" "look at my dunny" but in all seriousness, who even acts like that "pffft" i laugh out loud on accident and now all of those freshman eyes are on the three of us.

"laylani...they know you?" one of the boys say as they all stare at me

"yea but they're awkward, don't mind them" laylani says looking back at us and joking

"layli we all know you're the awkward one of all of us" zion says laughing at her, she laughed too but the rest of them took it seriously

"why did you just laugh at her like that?" another one of the boys said with a straight face

"chill guys, they're my best friends, it's all jokes" it's so funny how protective they are over her, who do they think they are😂.

"layyyyliiiiiiiiiii i'm gettttting hungrrrrryyy" edwin says acting like an actual child

"bet" she said as she turned around "well be back guys, you want anything from the concession sta-" she starts to say to them but edwin cuts her off

"brooo my fuckin stomach" edwin rushes layli

"okok fine let's go" she said before we all left the stands and went to go get some snacks.

"you got some good bodyguards, huh layli?" zion said as he nudged her and laughed

"y'all are mad annoying, next time i'm not making plans with the three of y'all...on god" she says as she giggles through half of it

"but for real layli, they're mad protective over it's ode" i say as i laugh at her

"shut up, you guys are just mad" she looks back at us and gives us a cocky smile

"mad? at what? obsessive freshys?" edwin chuckled "IMAGINEEEEE"


k byeee ✌🏽💕

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