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it's been a couple weeks since the whole "juwany epidemic" and i've been feeling bad for him lately, like he's been acting all weird and quiet...did i really break his heart like that? well i guess it doesn't matter i just have to forget about it for now.

"LAYLI YOU READY?" i hear nick call from down stairs, i knew it was him from the voice and automatically answered

"IF YOU DONT SHUT UP, THE TWINS ARE SLEEPING...but i'll be down in a couple of minutes" i say totally lying because i'm still siting in my bed with an oversized hoodie on that i stole from zion...he's never going to get it back, matter fact i don't even feel like trying to dress cute today imma just throw on some jeans and walk down stairs

"bum much?" nick says as i walked right past him

"why are you in my house right now..."

"a verrrry long story" he say very suspiciously

"ouuuu tell now!"

"well actually im kind of mad at you because-" he pauses for some weird reason "o hey kayla"

"umm how did you get inside the house?" kayla says rudely without even saying hi back, but she was right how did he get inside

"wait hold up you didn't let him in?" i say as i turn to kayla

"nope" she says walking away from the conversation with her face stuck to her phone

"i think i hear the bus, shouldn't we start walking?" nick walks out the door as he tries to change the subject

"EXCUSE ME SIR, tell me what happened, i won't get mad because it's just you, and i want to know...LIKE NOW NICK" i say as i start to yell/laugh

"damn you stay yelling...i went back to that girl..."

"k?" i asked already knowing the answer and he was so ashamed that all he could do was nod his head "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!, WE AGREED TO NEVER SEE HER AGAIN OR EVEN SPEAK ABOUT HER" i continue to yell

"yo layli stop screaming also i didn't want to bring you with me...because things could've gone left field like before"

"sorry, you know i'm extra, but i'm mad that you actually went back...LIKE FOR WHAT"

"well i felt bad layli, she's always up to something and i was kind of bored"

"we almost got killed the last time we were wit-" nick stopped me and signaled that zion and edwin were walking towards us "you need to come over today bc we NEED to talk about this"

"sure sure whatever, but stop talking about it right now" he says as he tries to shut me up but i persist

"don't give me the attitude you're the one who decided to be dumb last night" ...what is wrong with him he's always getting into something and he always leaves me out of it, it's fair but not fair at the same time.

"hey dorks" edwin says as he walks closer to us

"it's too early for this ed i'm still sleeping "

i look out of the corner of my eye and see zions big smile, "why are you cheesing so hard?" i said as i smiled back at him even though i knew the answer i had to tease him

"i want my hoodie back" he says still smiling...i honestly couldn't really say anything back, i was captivated by his smile, but of course edwins big mouth just had to say something just to ruin the moment

"ew why do you have his hoodie in the first place...thief?"

"no he gave it to me when we were at the game because i thought it wouldn't be cold"

"oh sure" edwin says this like i didn't just tell him the whole story and like he didn't watch zion give it to me that night ...he always thinks that there's a part that i'm hiding from him. "but we should go to a game today, we haven't went in a while, you guys down for it?" he continues

"well i mean who's gonna pay for all of us at the concession stand? because i'm BROKE" nick says as he pulled out his phone

"what a liar we all know you got money nick, but i got you guys it's all good but best believe i won't be hanging around you guys for the rest of the game" i laughed to myself as i pulled a 3 20's out of my back pocket

"why?" zion asked all innocently

"uhhhh" i was hoping that edwin would ask why so that i can tell him that boys stink but now that zions asking it's weird as fuck "because i don't need people looking for me when i go to sell my silly bands off the corner" i say as i make a joke out of it because honestly it wouldn't mind being next to zion all night and especially because it gonna be cold CUDDLING IN THE STANDSSSSS ugh that sound so am i thinking about romance with him and we aren't even in the talking stage. i'm probably gonna mess it up somehow but just the thought of it makes me get

"what a weirdo but i respect your hustle" edwin said as we all laughed; his comment really made me look like a drug dealer. The bus pulls up and we all get in

"ugh i look weird taking the bus and being a senior...maybe i should get left back so i can graduate with y'all" i was suppose to say that in my head...  "hold up...act like i never said that" i say as i giggle to my self "that sounded dumb"

idk if it was in chapter one or two but i said that edwin has dimples...HE CLEARLY DOESNT HAVE NOT ONE😭 i was new to the fandom and obviously blind.
...k bye🤙🏽💕

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