Yo, you hungry?

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Edwins P.O.V.

The whole night at Laylani's house i kept on thinking how she went to Zion first instead of me, i mean i'm not jealous but that was weird.

We got in the car and started to drive off to their houses to pick them up so we can go to Denny's
"why didn't we eat before...my stomach is growling mad loud" i look at Layli from the passengers seat
"that's your fault you should've grabbed something from the kitchen, and i'm not even that hungry"

"ok you have a point but still"

"shut up edwin" she starts to laugh

"ok fine i'll stop complaining" i say as i smile at her. " but for real layli what about my man zion, do you ever have the ur-"

"if you don't shut up imma just drop you off at home" she looks at me with a straight face but couldn't help but laugh

"just making sure your aware of the opportunities"

"surrreeee whatever you say plus...me and z together IMAGINEEEE, that wouldn't happen at all because girls are always after him and i just couldn't deal with that if he was mine"

"but shouldn't that make you want him more"

"...is your brain not working eddie"

"just listen...since he always has some type of girl after him, right? well if you actually want him enough and show him that you want him, he most definitely will-"

"bro your getting wayyy too deep into it, plus we're bout to pull up to his house"

"fine but we will continue this"

"no we won't, and text him to come outside"

We pick up everyone and connect the bluetooth and drive our way to Denny's

Laylani's P. O. V

as i bite into my pancakes Nick looks at me and signals me to answer me phone
[so what's up with u and z👀😂]

[stfuuuuu😭y'all need to stop being mouth breathers that always want the details on everything ]

["y'all" so at least it's not me that notices]

[notices what, bc now all of a sudden i can't see nun and nothing is going on, what if i asked u abt that girl "k"]

[ok fine play that game but when u find yourself tripin over him, don't ask me how i saw it happening🤷‍♂️and🤫we promised to never speak of her]



"so y'all really over here texting each other?" ayana says with a smirk on her face

"get out of my phone bro" i laugh but i'm dead serious

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