What if ?

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~march 13th~

Zions p.o.v

"did you just see layli leave"

"duh that's why i kissed that girl"

"you know you messed up"

"ok sure i don't know her name but at least she's one of kék-"

"no i mean with layi"


"she came to explain things with you and why everything went down, she said that as long as i'm with him i'm happy no matter the title...her words not mine"

"she was? i feel like an ass now, i should go over and tell her...uhm it- it was all a joke or something "

"are you deadass? first of all kissing someone else is not a joke second she's not gonna accept it as a joke and third she's probably not even home right now and if she is then she's getting ready for her date with kam"

"DATE? it didn't sound like a date in the text messages"

"really? kam plus layli plus fair, equals a date...how blind are you actually?"

"i thought she said she wasn't going"

"only reason she wasn't going was because of you and now you're no longer a reason"

"should i text her?"

"you're the last person she wants to talk to"


"your plan went through...at least, if i was you i'd just stay out her way for a bit, you know when she's kind of over it. she never will by the way but yea"

"so would an apology- i don't know what i was thinking bro it's not like i don't know layli or something, she's gonna rage at me i can feel it AND we have to finish painting that wall in Mrs. Drakes room"

"hey" "it was fun while it lasted"

"lasted?" the whole time i was over edwins house all i could think about was that sentence. i know for a fact that we aren't done or at least i hope. it's now 12am and edwin and i are just chilling watching a movie but i couldn't even pay attention laylani just kept racing through my mind "bro i have to go to her house"

"i- why are you so stubborn...she obviously wouldn't wan't you there"

"you know that because you know laylani BUT if it were any other girl you'd root me on"

"i see your point but still..."

"i'll text you" i say walking out the door
i go to ring the door bell but the door already opens by the time i get to it
"oh...zion, she's upstairs by the way"

"uh- can i go in, i don't want to interrupt you're families privac-"

"stop being polite and just go in, make sure you lock the door behind you too" kayla says as she pulls off...well damn she really  *filler*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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