Morning Shenanigans? Pt3

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"your such a whore i don't even like you" i finally speak to edwin after getting back from the beach and we are now at my house AND ZION IS STILL HERE AND QUESS WHAT SO ARE THESE GOD DAMN BUTTERFLIES
"huh?" he says acting all's not cute

"you know what never mind...don't bother me imma be in the shower"

"um ok?" he said acting acting all confused even though he knew what he did

i mumble under my breath before i walk away "such a big mouth...always gotta say something" but i guess he heard

"layli what'd you say i can't hear you at all"

"i said nothing you butthole"

"what'd i do?" i didn't even say a word i just kept it pushing

Edwins P.O.V

well damn...i was just trying to help them and zion's dumbass didn't even catch on...maybe i should say something to him right now or would that make laylani even angrier...ughhh shes so annoying

"bro why'd you do her like that" z looks at me as he puts the blanket on the ground

"do what?"

"don't try and act all slick" he laughs

"i'm not even gonna hold you, i was kinda wrong but i was just pushing you guys in the right direction" i say truthfully

"GUYS? mean us" he shakes his head and looks at me "nah man i got her on lock" and then he winks at me but then laughs from the cringe part of it "but for real, she's gonna come around and if she doesn't then she just doesn't" he shrugs his shoulders "plus your horrible at this cupid shit...stay in your place ed"

"wow and this whole time i thought i was spectacular" i said looking at zion sarcastically

"i'm tired of your short ass" he then plopped on the couch and turned on the tv. i cant believe layili is acting like's so funny, she has it bad for zion and doesn't even know it yet

Laylani's P.O.V

"what if he's still thinking about me walking off like that on the beach....nahhh i'm not that important...but what if he is...o my godddddd broooo what am i gonna do when i walk back down there, act like it never happened? but what if he feels the same? NOPE NOW IM FALLING TOOOOOO DEEP, now i'm catching real feelings. what if he's already talking to a girl?" i frantically say as i talk to jalen on facetime

"uhhhhh" he looks around like there are answer written around his room

"THATS ALL YOU GOT!? WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT i'm adding the rest of us into the call"

"look laylani you don't have to freak out like this-" Jalen looks into the camera and tries to sympathize with me...but it didn't work

"i know i don't but you know me...everything i do is extra, it goes like this, i'm nice and chill in the beginning then i let the crackhead side of me come out a lil bit and after that there's no going back, it either the person learns to love me being a crackhead or i just self-sabotage the relationship."

"bro you completely cut me off...anyway-" he rolls his eyes at me and then continues

"i'm sorry you already know-" i say as i subconsciously cut him off but then stop myself

"alright then,fuck it, add everyone else to the group facetime, MAYBE YOULL STOP CUTTING ME OFF THEN!" he says a little a annoyed

"alright,alright, i'm sorry i was just usual"

"yes i know this,laylani...just take a deep breath and stop thinking about him bec-"


"alright i'm adding everyone else to the group facetime because you're starting to get me mad" as he adds the rest of the friend group into the call my mind drifts to zion again, i'm just so worried about what he's thinking right now, until i hear everybody pop in

"what do you bums want?" Ayana says as she started to untangle her ear phones

"guyssssss i have teaaaaa" alana starts screaming for no reason

"ughh can we make this call quick? i have to do my homework" laila starts to complain but i didn't even get to say what i needed to say

"guyssss the tea it's like scorching i need to spill it right now" alana continued to yell

"lana could you stop being a crackhead and dial it down a bit" ayana said to alana but alana didn't respond she just stayed on pause

"right, because i need good advice and a good distraction" i say to the screen as i step out of the bathroom and plop on my bed

"hold's not all about you...we need advice too but do you see us shutting up Alana?...NO" laila says in a annoyed tone

"well damn if  who did you wrong today" i shrug my shoulders but i guess she wasn't in the mood so she actually left

"look at you laylani, just making people leave and shit" jay said shaking his head

"ok fine i'm sorry i'll stop talking and just wait for everybody else to be done i guess" deep down inside i'm super pissed because i called first and this is important but i'll put my problems aside just for now so that alana can talk "you can continue spilling the tea lana"

"THANK YOU IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE LONGEST and also it's about juwany" alana saïd still screaming a little bit

"JUWANY??!" i'm- i don't even know what to say let alone think

"yea he-"

yethhhhhh bitches a clif hanger...i feel so evil yet powerful also i'm sorry for not updating quick enough. first couple weeks of school got me fucked up💀...ANYWHO we are never gonna get thirsty from zion...and it just makes me mad to even think about it...AND ANITA..someone needs to steal their laptop and just send it out🤣. anyway i'm starting to write the next chapter right now so....k bye✌🏽

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