Heart breaks? (Pool?) Pt2

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Once Kayla hangs up she walks towards her door, I quickly run into my room and jump on my bed to act like I wasn't spying. She comes into my room and says
"Your sorry boyfriend keeps calling me please make it stooooop, please do me a favor and call him".  And then she walks out with her shoulders slouched. I still had Edwins phone in my back pocket so I FaceTime Juwany with the phone. The phone rings for two seconds and he picks up saying
"Hey Ed I was just about to call you"

"Oh it's Layli by the way"

"Oh hey why'd you call?"
I giggled a little before I answered him
"My sis, she said you were harassing her". I laugh a little louder. "She told me everything"  

"Oh she did....ok Layli I'm done hiding whatever she said to you is probably all true, I really do want you back like bad and I cant stop thinking about the late nights at applewings and 3am calls I mean yes I can get that with another girl but with you it's different and I love it just like I love y-"

"Wait Juwany don't say that word, we are too young for this and I'm not gonna let you poor out your heart to me that doesn't want you as bad as you think so let's just leave it here.... you'll be at my pool party right?"

"Uh yea sure"

"Ok see you then bye."

Telling Juwany that really broke my heart because it's all just complex. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and it sounds like Nicks, and it was. He busted through my door and said
"What are you doing slow poke". He said as he stands half way in my room and half way in the hallway, he stares at me for a second and then plops on my bed and sees a tear running down my cheek, he immediately embraced me in his arms but then his normal happy face turned into worried and then mad
"What happened? Who did it? Why are you crying?"  I sat there silently not wanting to answer "common Layli don't make me beat some one up"  I look at him and smile

"It's ok no need just period things"

"Oh and ewwww please don't cry outta the blue like that again that really scared me"


"Oh and hurry up everyone is here now"

"Ok see you down there"   I put on my bathing suit and try to think about other things like how great the party will be but then I remember that my dumb self invited Juwany I had to stop thinking about him so I just went down stairs. As I'm walking down I see my twin brother and sisters bus out from the window so I go outside by the bus stop and wait for them. I see Zion appear next to me so I say
"Hiii sorry I left you with Edwin for so long ha" i awkwardly laugh

"It's alright Brandon shut him up"

"damn I shoulda been there to see it"

"Yea you really should've and also I found your phone"

"thanks who had it"

"No other than Edwin"

"Of course I should've known though 🤦🏾‍♀️"

(something happened and a whole entire chunk of the story is missing 😐and i barely remembering because i wrote this story a long time ago, so sorry...if this helps they're in the front of laylani's yard getting their little siblings off the bus)

"So what you doin over here"

"My baby brother rides this bus"

"Oh I didn't know..." the kids finally get to the stop and get off. My two siblings and Zions little brother gave Zion I huge big hug without even acknowledging me, after the twins are done hugging him they hug me and then I ask the "how do you guys even know him?" Jayden goes on. "Well he gives us candy and he is a BFF to Noah"(Noah is the little brother of Zion)

"So you guys take candy from strangers now?"

"Well me and jay only took candy from one stranger and that's him ova there" kayden says

"Ok that's fine but no one else,ok?"

"Okay" they both said together
I turn to Zion and say "your such a creep" as i laugh at him "like who gives candy to random kids"

He looks at me with a bright smile and shrugs
"I knew that they were your siblings so it was another reason to be nice to them"  he chuckles . I pick up both the twins, Jayden on my back and Kayden on my hip and walk them into the house, Zion started to walk back home to drop off Noah but I stopped him
"Hey wait your walking?"

"Yea my car is at the house and I can't drive it anywhere anyways"

"I'll drive" i look at him with my smile full of mischievousness

"Huh? No thanks don't feel like dying right now maybe tomorrow" he states sarcastically

"Really Zion...come on jump in real quick trust me I mean unless you want to drive?"  I said that as I swung the keys around my finger and threw them at him, and he catches them
"Oh hell no I'll crash the car and then we'll also die"

"Stop being like that your like literally 5 houses down"

"Fine I'll go but I'll just sit on the top of the car"  he said with his childish smirk(😏😭😭)
We get in the car and 3 seconds later we are already at his house. I look at him and say
"See we aren't dead, congrats". He sits in the seat all sunken into the seat and plays dead, to scare him I said
"I guess I'll roll up the windows and leave the car heat on". And with that I try to get out the car but last second he grabs my arm
"Oh ahah your such a comedian". He added so I smile at him and he takes Noah out the back seat

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