Who said you could come? (Pool?) Pt3

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When Zion tried to take Noah out of car seat Noah slapped his hand away from him and said
"I'm a big boy now I don't need your help anymore". I looked at Noah with a surprised face and said

"Yea you are now go show your brother who's boss". Noah smirked at me and said
"All the ladies want me". I laughed at the fact that he probably didn't even know what that meant, obviously from the innocence in his voice. Zion looked at me and said

"Ok I've taught him a lot but not that"
"Yea sure I believe you 100%"

"Common Laylani your not suppose to see through my lies". He gives me a cute smile and gestures for me to come inside the house. I walk in and it's all quite, I sit down for two seconds and his mom comes out, I was about to greet her but she didn't let me speak she said
"Wait who are you" she was calm and a little creeped out but she wasn't rude
"Oh I'm Zions friend Layl-"

"lani," she says as she finishes my sentence "Zion was talking about you ALOT when I called him during school, I mean he said your name at least 5 times in 4 minutes...or either your someone else and I cut you off for no reason, sorry bout that". The whole time she was talking to me I was reading her face, her eyes were puffy and she looked drained. The thought of Zion saying 'my family is in ruins' popped into my head, his dad probably left and his mom is still recovering from it but I snap out of it when she asks me the question
"Um yep I'm THE Laylani I guess and it's ok that you cut me off I would have done the same if I were in your shoes and by the way Zion is fun to be around you raised a good son."

"Yea I bet" she says with a weak smile
Zion peeks his head from out the door way and asks

"Are you ready to go?"

"yea sure".

"Aight, bye mom love you" he gave her a kiss on the cheek as made his way out the door

"Oh nice meeting you by the way" i say waving back to her as I follow Zion outside
"You too Laylani, see you"
We hop in the car and I start it but before I drive off I check my phone
"Oh wait a sec my phones been blowing up on Twitter lemme check it real quick". Zion looks at my phone like something is wrong with it, I see his face of worry and ask
"Why are you looking at my phone like that, what's wrong?"

"Well when we were at Edwins house you left your phone on the chair and he took it and he-"

"Wait EDWIN took it"

"Yea and-"

"O my god!" I open my Twitter and looked at all the places I have been @ed and how many times it had been reposted

"Soooo your gonna kill him?" zion looks at the phone


"But don't" by this time I can't even park in my own drive because of all the cars lined up leading to my house. I park the closest I can get and that's one house down from Zions so there was no reason to even put my car in drive. I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach for the door handle but Zion stops me and says
"Don't kill him in public, act all cool when you walk in then ask him to go in your room or something and then u can yell and strangle him but most importantly you gotta look cool especially because it's your house, your party, your time...don't freak it up"

"Wow Zion great pep talk" I open the car door and make my way to my house, focusing on how imma yell at Edwin. Zion caught up to me and said
"Don't act like that it's your party so have fun"

"No Zion it's not that's the problem I don't like randoms I have to at least be cool with you for me to ever invite someone to a party"

"Ok fine I understand but it's your last year of school have fun...aight?"

"One how did you know and two fine I guess, I'll try"

"ok then lets go". He grabbed me by the hand and practically dragged me through the yard once we got to my front door he's said
"We are gonna have a awesome time and no one will stop us" he opens the door and the blaring music filled my ears so quick. The first thing I did was go to the twins room. They were in the room playing with each other's dolls, I sighed in relief to see that they were fine. I came in their room and closed the door shut behind me
"Are you guys ok" Jaden nodded but Kaden said

"Why won't they play baby shark instead, its better"

"I don't know nugget they are weird, but I have some rules don't come out the room and if you need to use the bathroom use the one in my room and if you need food press the button twice on the home phone,ok?...bye" and with that last word to them I closed their door and made my way down to the pool. I felt like leaving them was a really bad idea but what could go wrong? As I was walking down my stairs lots of guys dapped me up for no reason and lots of girls tried speaking to me all at the same time, but I blocked them out.

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