Sad Gorl Hours?

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We hop back in the van and make our way towards the school, the windows are down and the music is loud. Even though it's only been at least 2 months of school, in this one moment i felt free, i don't know it could just be the sugar from the donuts that could be giving off this feeling. We pull up to the (FuNkTiOn) school and we all hop out of the van

•Zion's p.o.v•

On god i could already tell this day is gonna be a full drag, who even told me to stay up for this late, i know for sure my body can't deal with this bulls-. Ayana started to waved her hand in front of my face, so i stop thinking in my head and respond to her

"mmh what you want" i answer her without breaking contact with the nothingness i was staring at

"i was just making sure that you weren't sleeping with your eyes open" i give her a huh? look and then she goes to say something back but layli covers for me

"ok so obviously he isn't a morning person let's just leave it at that and also we did go to bed pretty late last night"

"you have a point, but the look he just gave me was mad rude" ayana continues on even though layi ended it.

the whole school day went passed like a blur all i could think about was sleep and...did i say sleep already? Well i didn't wake up fully until 7th period, i walk into the cafe and go straight to the table and everyone is already there i see layli and sit next to her and lay my head down on her shoulder. So she starts

"excuse me sir?is laying on me gonna become normal because i'm most definitely not built for your big head" she says to me as her cute laugh comes out


"really z, don't shush me, you've been a walking zombie since we came out the car"
i was gonna say that she had a point but my energy level say otherwise. It's been 15 minutes into the lunch period and she hasn't said anything which is weird for her because she's always the life of the table, i wait for one person to get up so that we can all grab our food. i take the opportunity on the long ass lunch line to ask her what's wrong. She gets up and makes eye contact with no one so i follow behind. i meet up to her and ask

"what's wrong layli?"

"nothing, why?" she looks at me like nothing is wrong but you can tell that something else is up

"LIES" i say loudly but not meaning to "how about we sneak off to the field and then you can tell me what's really up"

"it's nothing zion just little dumb things"

"i don't care how small it is i just wanna hear it...ok?" i say this with the most care i could put into my voice.
"well actually can we go to the music room, Mrs. Drake loves me,she'll let me in if there's no class"

"sure whatever you want to do" we take our money and walk off into the hallway with out telling the table anything but edwin watches us slip away and i could tell that he was concerned for layli. We get into the room and sit on the piano bench but she says nothing, so i break the silence
"comon to me, i'm not trying to be nosey, ok maybe a little bit but tell me though i need to know who did it"

"ok fine, but i'm not gonna say names yet" she starts out slow and waits to see if i have anything to say but i don't "so first a question, have you ever felt like you have your life together and then out of the blue you realize that you never had it together,it was just all bottled up in your mind?"

"of course i have, but continue..."

"and t-then that one person that y-you gave up everything for...that they are the cause of your feelings being bottled up...and t-then reality smacks you in the f-face?" tears start coming down, so i engulf her in my arms
"cry, talk, yell, do as much as you need to do because i don't like seeing you like this, you don't deserve it" i could feel her nod her head in my chest and then she starts to talk again

"well Juwany made me cut off Edwin, and Edwin's been there for every thing, and just like that he made me believe that all i needed was him, he really let me believe that he was gonna hold it down, but he never did! he just constantly played mind games, and all this time i didn't say anything because i thought that he was the glue but in actuality i never needed him." after all that i wanted to go up to him but i didn't even know all of the story. so i just sit there and hold her
"well you have Eddie me, and our whole friend group to talk to so no reason to bottle it up"

" z i don't like telling people about my feelings, i don't even like crying in front of people" she chuckled "so your special and promise me you won't tell Edwin because i know him and he's gonna get crazy"

"sure anything for you"

"thanks..." she breaks eye contact and gets off the piano bench "we should probably start making our way to french, right?"

"orrr we can be late and not care" we have 5 more minutes before the bell rings so we just goof around with the instruments

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