Morning Shenanigans?

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i wake up to my phone going off and it was so annoying so i pressed the power button and it stopped but not even a minute later it rang again
"ugh Layli just answer it" Edwin said as he rolled around on the bed
"how did you even get in the bed?" i laughed at him and push him a little
"shhhush it's too early for questions" he says as he flings his arm on head. i look at the phone and zions name is up there so i answer the facetime call
"mmh what you want" i say as i rub my eyes and fidget on the bed
"we should do something today"

"'s like 8 in the morning...go away"

he gives me a cute smile and laughs "go away? what did i do"

"i have two reasons one it's 8am and two ITS 8AM" i laugh at him"i'm giving you 1minute to convince me to come out of my house...if you can't i'm hanging up"

"i'll bring donuts over" he says still smiling

"ok fine...the doors unlocked,just walk in and come upstairs" i say as i try to keep a straight face but u couldn't help but smile at him

"k i'll see you in 20?"

"be as late as possible pleathes" i click the red x at the bottom, smack edwins head and roll out of the bed
"and what was that for" edwin says as his eyes were still shut

"zions coming over" i say as i make my way to the bathroom

"for's still like 8 in the morning" he says in his raspy still half sleep voice

"d o n u t s"

"he's really the best"

"i know right" i walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me

zions P.O.V.

"hey mom imma head out i'll see you later"

"huh you do know it's only 8 in the morning right...wait who's house"


"oooou ok"

"ma- never mind i'll see you later" i walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"yeaaa later" she starts to wiggle her eyebrows

"i cannot with you" i say as i give her a wide smile and walk out with the box of donuts in my arms,on the way to Layli's house, the whole walk there i couldn't stop think about the alternative possible that could come out of me going over right now but i should really stop overthinking this and just see how it goes out. i'm lowkey scared or whatever but i knock anyway
"good morning Z" i see edwins head pop around the corner as he opens the door with a 'i'm still tired' face

"um what are you doing here" i was so confused because i thought it was just gonna be laylani and i...

"wow thanks for just ignoring my kindness" he said as he walked back into the house

"oh sorry, good morning, so why are you here?" i said as i followed behind him

"i stayed the night...duh"

"oh" i know they're besties and all that but since when do they have sleepovers? honestly, i know edwin and i know he would do anything like that but we almost seniors

"yea i had to deal with him since y'all left the car last night" laylani said as she cut in and grabbed a donut from the box "so what are we gonna be doing today guys?" she said as she pulled out her phone

"i mean we can walk to the park or something...or like chill here, honestly i don't even know, whatever is cool with you"

"indecisive headass" she continued to look down at her phone

"damn ok let's go to the beach"

"'s September..."

"exactly so we get to sit in our hoodies, play music, and talk" edwin says trying to make it sound more interesting than what it is

"ok that doesn't sound too bad i'm down!" she starts to walk up stairs but turns around "i have to post you guys on snap though" she takes a quick video and said "aw look at it" she turns her phone around and shows us the video

"what's gonna be the caption thingy dork" edwin said as he looked at her phone

"umm i was thinking about this one 'i'm glad i have two slaves, one to bring me donuts and one to always get on my nerves love them🤠' but some people don't know how to take it as a joke so imma put a heart" she posted it and stuck her phone in her back pocket

"well damn since when was i a slave" edwins face had "surprised" written all over it but he was joking

"rlly? since forever, and you already know that"
_______(skips over 30 min drive)_______

we make it to the beach and Laylani starts to walk ahead of us already so i start to talk to edwin
"bro since when does she-" edwin probably already knew what i was gonna say

"it means she warming up to you, that's how she always is, you just don't see it at first"

"and what's up with her and saying 'bro' every 4 minutes, it's has me weak" i couldn't help but laugh and so did he

"well actually she had a really hard crush on this one guy and she would call him bro all the time and like that was the deal breaker, it was so funny to watch because after he told her that it was annoying she was like 'bro i don't care, because if i can't call you bro on a daily basis then we can't be together matter fact i un-crush make me sick you understand bro? because i can keep say bro for as long as i want, bro' he was so pissed and this was all in middle school! she was crazy when we were younger and still is. and now i guess she says bro a lot because she'd rather someone not like it from the start than for someone to get to know her and then tell her that they don't like it after they already became friends" he shrugs his shoulders "she's super complicated" edwin says as we continue to walk to the beach and catch up with laylani

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