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Laylanis p.o.v

"it's February and Zion and i have been talk ever since the night he kissed me...YEAH TALKING! i not gonna get mad at him because i know he has trust issues and all but he should trust me by now, like how hard is it to commit? i guess i'll talk to him about it tonight at the Basketball  game right" i say looking at jalen through the phone while i eat my cereal

"ok layli you're like a sister to me and imma just tell you the truth...the talking stage should never be that long, at this point i think he's just a little scared"

"scared of what though"

"well it's like when i was talking to zoe...she's scared of committing because people can just walk out her life at any second"

"i see her point but sometimes you have to just take that risk, right?" i know i'm right even though i ask

"yea for sure, you should talk to him today though, it'll clear some things up"

"thanks for being my therapist this morning" i laugh

"yea, yea, next time i'm charging you for sure" jalen acts as if he's that good of a therapist

"HA" i laugh at him sarcastically "see you in school" i hang up and start to walk outside to get into the car

"i was waiting for you to come out like damn" edwin nags as i walk out the door

"this is technically abuse, your only using me for my car"

"just let me get the perks layli, i'm your bestie after all" i still contemplate on why i keep him around

"whatever just get in...where is zion?" it's usually the three of us who drive to school together sometimes nick come along but it's always is three

"he said he feels sick at the moment"

"oh i'll text him i guess" my plan is ruined...great "are we all still staying after for the game?"

"yea, its the first game of the season" he says in a duh tone the basketball game...

"you play too much" i push ayana a little as she tries to grab my sour patches from the concession stand, it always happens it's either she knocks them out of my hand and i get mad or she attempts and i just laugh.i feel my phone buzz and it's a text message from zion

[where are you guys sitting]

[what u mean?]

[im at the game]

[ur supposed to be home resting and being "sick"💀]

[i'll sleep when i die‼️😭]

[😂😂i cant stand you, i'm coming down] i walk over everyone's feet and make it to the ground without tripping thankfully

"hey" he holds my hand "what did i mostly miss in french"

"nothing much...we had a sub but she was on of those annoying subs so" i shrug my shoulders. this convo is getting dry sooo fast i think imma say it "Z i wanted to talk ab-"

"wait before you say something" i can hear the excitement in his voice


"it's in Mrs.Drakes room, she wanted to show it to you yesterday but someone decided to skip lunch" he looks at me and smiles

"don't play that card, i had other things to do"

"like what? order dominos with edwins"

"whattt it was his birth day and i wanted to surprise him"

"speaking of that, you coming early to set up?" on the way to mrs.drakes room we walked everywhere but down her hallway while holding hands, it was really nice, being with him feels like home every time...but i don't wanna give him a signal and then him take it wrong. i'm making this harder than what it has to be

[broo i'm bout to tell him get ready to scoop me when it gets awkward]

[really layli?🤣]

[im serious idk how imma go about this...imma mess it up i know this for a fact, just promise you'll scoop me. i'll be by the doors of the gym]

[ok fine...u weirdo😭]
i put my phone back in my pocket and look into mrs.drakes room "so what is it?" i stare at one of the blank walls as zion walks beside me "she said that we can start painting it tomorrow, look to your left" i see a bunch of paint colors "just us?"

"well we can bring people with us if we want but she wants us to be in control of it"

"that's cool...we know nothing about art though" i passed art with a 75 sophomore year...and it's art class

"i know! i don't know why she's leaving it up to us, we're gonna fuck it up for sure" he laughs

"definitely, we aren't leaving this room clean when we start"

"she said that she that we can split the wall in half and have only two people help us so that it's kinda like a completion"

"i call dibs on austin!"

"not fair he was my first pick" we both laugh. his laugh is too cute i swear...i'm not doing it

[u know what jalen i'm not gonna do it, never mind.]


[i cant i'll give him time]

[by time u mean tonight at edwins party after the game]



"why are you typing so violently?" he looks over and chuckles

"because jalen is being an ass"

"what did he do"

"nothing important, let's get back to the game before we miss it all together" i grab Zions hand and start walking

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