Pool? Pt1

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(Readers note: I know all the chapters are questions it's kinda the theme🤦🏾‍♀️)

Zion loosens his grip after Edwin takes a picture of us without us knowing
"What was that Edwin"  he started to run to the bus and I chased after him

"Wait stop stop delete itttt" he gets on the bus and I jump in the same seat as him and start slapping him but not so hard that it would sting

"Ok stop playing give me the phoneee". He types something in his notes and it says

'Why delete it when you know you want me to send it to you'  we look each other dead in the eyes and bust out laughing because we both know it's true. While I'm still sitting with Edwin, Zion makes his way into the conversation, he brings up something random and we continue to talk about it as we are getting off at our stop. Edwin carries on with the conversation as I unlock the door to my house,so he says

"But Zion even if life gave you lemons what are you really suppose to do???"

So I butt in. "Ok Edwin it's over already"

"Fine but only for now, I WILL find a solution trust me". Zion pats him on the back and says
"Sure buddy, I believe". I was staring at the pool and then I remembered
"Do y'all have your bathing suits?"  They both gave me the 'huh' look

"To Eddies house we go I guess"  I said trying my best to sound like one of the backyardagins.
The boys continue with their dumb argument as invite the whole lunch table group chat (so basically Laila, Ayana,Austin,Brandon,Jalen,Nick, and Alana and of course Edwin and Zion but they are already invited)

Chickens in our past lives🐣💀

-me-Hey guys I'm having a small party and inviting you guys over for a pool party 🎉 y'all down?
-Aus10👽-don't have anything else to do so yep
-B👓- finally yesss
-👭🏽V- yktv
-angry muffin - yea you'll see me there
-j💀- I cant baby sis birthday
-me- aww well tell her i said hbd, i'll see u guys there🙃

I  lock my phone and then put it in my back pocket, as me and the boys are walking I take Edwins phone and start playing loud music. We finally get to Eddies house. We get in and I gave his parents a hug since I haven't seen them in a long time and also because they are like family to me.

I sit down for a second and go on instagram while the boys are in the room. Eddies mom wanted me to taste her meatballs for dinner so I got up and tasted them...omg they were so good
"Where did you learn how to cook like this mom"(I call her mom because she's like a second mom) I called the boys into the kitchen by screaming

"Yeo y'all gotta taste this it's really gooood". Zion came down the stairs saying

"What is it?"  Instead of explaining I just motion my hand towards the food. Zion comes over and I give him one meatball and his eyes grew wide

"Edwin get your butt in here these meatballs are like crack". Edwins mom hits him with a hand towel and says

"Hey these are drug free" Zion and I laugh for a while and wait for Eddie to come from down stairs. After he final comes down we all say bye to his mom and walk out. I kept on patting my back pockets to find my phone but it wasn't there so I ask the boys and they both don't know so I just say

"Um Eddie can I borrow your phone for a sec to put some music on?"

"Sure just don't log me out my Twitter"

"Why would I do that but, thanks"

I continue the playlist we were playing before so that the walk back wouldn't seem as long. 15796 steps later we are at my hose Aleyah helped herself to the pool while Brandon was just walking in from the back gate I greet him with a dap and so do the boys, not even 10 seconds into the conversation Edwin starts talking about the lemon situation I immediately get annoyed and say
"Im walking away before I yell at you again Edwin and guys I'll be back."

I walk up the stairs and start to make my way towards my room, before I get to my room I see Kayla's door cracked, I peek in and hear that she is on face time with a boy...I hear her say
"Juwany why is it that when ever you get mad at Layli you call me like aren't we supposed to be ex's"

"Well first I'm not mad at her I just want her back and second you're the closest thing to her and I don't know if I said this already but I want her back"

"Alright I don't care byyye"   With those word she hung up on him without hesitation.

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