Chapter 2

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As we went out of the room. Zayn and I walked to the lift. We waited for the lift to open.


*ting* I looked up to see that the lift opened. He entered first then I followed. We waited for the lify to close. Currently, it's just me, him and the elevator guy. The lify doors closed when he spoke. "Umm. So umm. You're Jessica Moore right?" He said softly. I chuckled before I spoke. "Isn't obvious?" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes not even talking to be again. Geez. What the hell would happen to the both of us on the 8th?

After the lift doors opened, I saw my mum and dad was sitting on the guests area with nicole and some people too. I walked towards them, right after they saw me they stood up and walked toward me. "So how was the meeting?" Mum asked me "Explanations later. Shopping now" I said showing her the credit card. She laughed and we started to walk to the exit as I saw Zayn with his family. He was laughing and smiling with his sisters. What a nice view. I shook my head to erase that thought about what I just said about 'nice view'

I took a last look of Zayn before I hop in the car. I didn't expect him looking at me. I looked away and hop in the car with Nicole beside me. "So why do you have that credit card?" My mum asked me while my dad started the engine. "They gave it to me. Well, They gave me and Zayn each, to buy our personal stuff before we enter the house. They said we could buy anything we want. But, we can buy anything we want for ourselves only." I chuckled "they told us to bring lots of clothes too. So that people won't see same clothes everyday. And we should bring 3-4 suit cases. So let's go to the mall and I'll go extreme shopping!" I declared then they all laughed.

After 30 minutes we arrived the mall. I went to different clothing stores. Each clothing store I think I bought about many clothes. When I say many I mean it. And I plan on bringing them all. We are not rich, that's why it's also my first time to buy so many clothes. There were times that I only buy new clothes on my Birthday and only on Christmas. Were just a simple family.

To continue my shopping journey, Since I have no plans in buying some stuff tomorrow. I wanted to buy everything I need for today. Nicole is very good in fashion. When I say good she really is. Sometimes she even goes to our house just to pick a outfit for me. That's why for today she is gonna be my stylist, she picks everything. I mean by everything, even the styles of clothes I don't normally wear, well she want me to wear them.

All in all of the clothes I bought I got 20 crop tops, 20 tank tops, 20 muscle tee, 20 longsleeves, 20 sleeveless, 20 graphic shirts, 20 plaid shirts, 20 sweat shirts, 20 hoodie, 20 plain shirt w/ different styles, 15 shorts, 20 sweatpants, 15 leggings, 10 skinny jeans, 15 skater skirts and 5 shoes and 5 sandals.

And of course I bought my personal stuff, I also bought 30 pairs of Victoria's Secret bra and underwear. Since I already have some pairs at home I just wanted to add some. Call me crazy for buying literally lots and lots of clothes. Well I'm sorry guys, It's my first time to have unlimited money like what this credit card has.

Before we head home I asked my mom and dad if they have suit cases at home, and they said they only have one. So we bought 3 suit cases. Good thing our car is an SUV. In the 3 suit cases we put the almost a hundred of plastic bags inside. Okay so I'm joking about the hundred plastic bags got it?

My dad put the suit cases at the back compartment of the car. Good thing everything fits well. Before I hop in the car again, I saw Zayn was about to hop inside of their car. He looked at me. He smiled before he hop in and closed the door. Gosh, I'm sure I blushed for a second. I hop in and closed the door immediately. "Remind me to sign myself in next year so I could buy all the clothes I want to" Nicole said sarcastically which made us all laughed. I looked at the time, it's already 5:30 so we'll get home at 8:30.

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