Chapter 1

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AN; Your name is Y/n but your nickname is Brook. Hope you enjoy the book.

Rain streams down in a constant patter against my windshield. Pretty sure I should have turned left at the last light. Why in the world did I let Lisa talk me into coming to Seoul?I think silently. No job, no money, no prospects of anything good, and now I have one friend within a 2,000 mile radius. Freaking fantastic. The move from Busan was supposed to be an easy one. After my mom died three weeks ago there wasn't much keeping me in that town. Lisa was wild and a bit unpredictable but she made Seoul sound like the best place for me. She was willing to let me sleep on the couch in her one bedroom Deagu apartment until I could find a job and a cheap place of my own. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Where in the hell is this place anyways? I reach for my purse in the seat next to me and have to slam on the brakes when I see the upcoming light turn from yellow to red. Contents of my purse scatter across the floorboard. Nice.I quickly start fishing for the phone in the dark while managing to keep my foot on the brake. I do that weird finger wriggle to make them just a smidge longer and snatch the phone up right as the red light is turning green. I click the middle button. Shit. I see the low battery signal with the quick flash saying powering off. The yellow check engine light illuminates on the dashboard of my car along with another red light of death. What in the hell did the red exclamation point surrounded by circles mean anyways? I knew this car was on its last leg, but I expected it to at least get me here and to interviews for a few weeks until I could find a source of income to pay for a newer one. Mom's life insurance was enough to pay for the funeral and some of the overdue bills. I managed to convince our old landlord to accept the furniture in our duplex as payment for the last month's rent. He of course kept our deposit as well. You would think a mom dying of cancer and a 21 year old daughter trying to do the right thing would inspire some empathy, but the balding man that screamed pedophile had taken the last of everything I had without blinking twice or even offering up condolences. I put my clothes and shoes in boxes along with a few photos I had of me and my mom and started on the route to Deagu. I guess I forgot to figure in the pit stops I would need to make because I found myself nearing the end of my long drive to an unknown location at 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday.

Did roadSide assistance respond at this time of the morning? I bet they probably did if you had a working phone to actually call them, and money, and a car that could be fixed or was worth towing. EFF my life. At this point I was pretty sure God was getting uncomfortable with the string of bad luck he was bestowing on me. I coast my car to the shoulder. Without any clear plan or any way to call for help I decide to start walking toward Lisa's apartment. The car's GPS said it was just 3 minutes until my destination earlier. Iquickly try to do the math on how long of a walk that is. Carry the 9, multiply by 60 minutes. No wait, how fast does an average human walk? Oh my God I'm delirious. Almost positive I shouldn't have had that energy drink at the last truck stop. However long it was, it definitely wasn't getting any closer by sitting here. I exit the car and click the lock on the button. At least the locks still work. Not that anyone would really want to steal the size 6 shoes that littered the trunk or the candy wrappers that were shoved between the seats, Hey, it was a long trip. Candy bars and energy drinks were necessities for a 21 year old on a road trip across the country. Luckily my high metabolism and 5'8'' frame could handle the excessive sugar and overall bad life choices. A couple of things that I inherited from my absent father were my height and dry sense of humor.

My brown boots pad down the wet pavement as I struggle to keep my purse on my shoulder and get drenched in the falling rain. The air is chilly despite being the end of May. I'm starting to wish I grabbed a sweater from the death trap. Maybe an umbrella if I had one. Neon lights illuminate an upcoming door as I make my way down the Sidewalk. As I get closer I'm able to make out the letters above the door."Corkscrew" Strange name for a restaurant. Wine store maybe? The door flies open and three guys emerge from the dark entrance. I quickly debate running to the other Side of the street to avoid them. My mom warned me about walking alone at night in a strange place. I managed to ignore all of that up until now, but my sudden cowardice was kicking in. Fake it until you make it. Appear confident and brave and maybe they will believe you are a ninja, or at least think you have a can of mace packed in your purse, I mentally encourage myself. Maybe I can fashion one of those wolverine claws from keys they always teach in self defense classes. Probably would help if I already had my keys in my hand instead of at the bottom of this huge ass purse. They would have me duct taped, tied up, and be instructing me to put the lotion on the skin before I found those damn keys. Looking up from the ground I catch one of them eyeing me suspiciously. He is tall, well over 6 feet, and has dark brown hair and green eyes. The shorter blonde beSide him clears his throat and quickly chirps "Hello". Not wanting to seem like the bitch that I am, I politely answer "Hey". I keep walking in the direction I believe to be Lisa's apartment. According to my prior calculations I'm approximately 212 kilometers from her apartment. Kilometers? What country is this? Note to Y/N: No concentrated caffeine after midnight. Kind of like that gremlin rule but instead of more Y/N's the original one just turns into a freaking idiot. I can hear male voices behind me and decide to quicken my pace. I don't seem to be losing them. I make a left at the abandoned intersection and start up the street labeled Maple on the sign. I chance a glance over my shoulder and observe the men have also turned. Great. I'm 5 minutes away from being a Dateline special. Wonder what the crime rate is in Deagu. Probably should have looked that up before moving. Oh my Gosh. Stay on track Y/N. Find the address. I approach an apartment complex and quickly recognize it as Lisa's address. Bingo. I open the glass door and quickly slide in Lisa hoping the trailing crew passes me by unnoticed. My wet boots squeak across the ceramic tile and I quickly push the up arrow on the elevator to the right. Ok so I pushed the button repeatedly. You never know when it doesn't recognize the first push. Lisa really wasn't that great about details when getting me to come here, but she did give me her apartment number. She didn't really need to be anything except accommodating to guests when I was so desperate. I step into the opened elevator compartment and just before the door shuts, the three guys from Corkscrew enter in. Awwwwwkward.Blondie's lips quirk up into a grin. Tall and serious gives me a glare and I am finally able to get a good look at lucky number three. He is right at 6 feet tall and has black hair with icy blue eyes. Corkscrew must be a modeling agency with the way these guys look. I give him a shy smile which he returns. Blue eyes pushes the button labeled 5 on the right side of the door and it closes. Damn. So dumb. I knew you had to push the floor button number to make thestupid thing move. Keep it together Y/N. The elevator starts to move up and complete silence envelopes us except for another suspicious laughing cough from Blondie.Blondie must be coming down with a cold...or swine flu. I hope he's not running a fever. The incubation period for swine flu is 48 hours I think. Ok, I may have inherited a touch of hypochondria from my absent father as well. I like to blame the man who left when I was seven for every flaw in my physical, emotional, and mental makeup. He's a real crappy person, or would have been if I actually knew him better. Jin married my mother right out of high school, followed her to Busan, then left us when I was really young without a word or birthday card since. That's right, Y/N Bridges right here. Didn't take me long to realize it was the world's stupidest name that my parents found so quirky and funny. London was going to be my future sibling but luckily my a-hole father ran out of working sperm before he could grace another child with a hideous name and abandon them. The unborn child dodged several suitcases of emotional baggage. Well played sir.

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