Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Walking up the building with the studio key in one hand and my phone in the other I stick the key into the lock and turn it. The door opens with a small groan and I step inSide. The room is dark and I let the small shining from the road lights on the adjoining highway give me a guide to find the lightswitch. Reaching my hand up to the switch a creak from the door that is now open sounds, and Namjoon walks in, a demonic fury in his eyes. Fear and panic overtake me. He walks briskly to cover the short distance between us and then grabs my wrists in a painful way before I can move another inch. My voice trembles. "Namjoon. What are you doing here" I stammer. "Where's your boyfriend?" he grinds out in a menacing tone. "Right behind me," I lie. "He will be here any second." "Funny. I don't believe you. Could be because you're a fucking liar." No snarky comebacks or inappropriate witty jokes come to my mind. Only fear grips me. Namjoon presses into my wrists more painfully as he pushes me backwards into the wall and then pins me with his forearm across the base of my neck. "Namjoon. You're hurting me." He briefly lets some of the pressure off my chest and then gets a look of confusion as he steps back from me. Feeling relieved I put my hands up to my neck tracing where his forceful presence was just moments ago. I start to Sidestep towards the door when he grabs one of the newly hung picture frames from the wall throwing it onto the wooden floor as it shatters into dozens of shiny glass pieces and wood chips. The now scratched up picture of Yoongi as a child getting his black belt looks back up at me from its resting place on the floor. "Yoongi doesn't get you. He doesn't get you too." I start shaking my head no and trying to screech out anything I can in defense against his ranting while making my way towards the door. Namjoon sees that I am about to bolt and closes the gap between us placing himself in between me and the door handle. Namjoon goes to grab me again and right as he grasps for me I send my right fist straight into his nose feeling a crunch of my knuckles, bring my left knee up as hard as I can into his crotch, and then move faster than I ever have as I exit the building and feel the night air on my face. My eyes now burn with tears and my cheeks scorch covered in shock as I run towards the parking lot. Yoongi's truck takes the corner directly in front of me and then sails into the lot without taking time to hit the brakes before he throws it into park beSide Jimin's truck. He rips open the driver's door and then quickly grabs me as I hear Namjoon come from the building looking somewhat recovered from his Y/N encounter though blood drips from his nose in a disgusting manner. "Don't you fucking move." Yoongi places me behind him as he takes the phone from his pocket and I see him push three numbers on the screen. His eyes never leave Namjoon as he calmly speaks to the emergency operator and dispatches the police to our address. Namjoon, looking murderous, has a short mental debate as he first starts to move closer to us and then finally just concedes to turn around and start jogging into the shadows on the outskirts of the building towards one of the alleys. Yoongi keeps his eyes that direction but lowers his head to me as he whispers, "Damn it Brook, are you ok?" Knowing that I am not physically hurt, though definitely emotionally disturbed, I answer "Yeah I'm ok." There's no true portrayal of the utter relief I felt in that moment to both be out of the situation with Namjoon and for Yoongi to have shown up exactly when he did.

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