Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Picking up my phone again I send a text to Y/N. The last couple weeks have been nothing but her ignoring me and it is starting to really piss me off. Her sudden clinginess to Yoongi just tops off the whole thing. That smug bastard not only managed to weasel himself into the lives of my daughter and my ex but now into the girl I liked as well. Anger radiates off me as I imagine him on top of her and I send my fist through the drywall of Jimin's apartment. Looking down at my now bloody hand I walk away from the mess that Jimin will no doubt yell at me for later. I text Y/N again wondering where the hell she is right now. Jimin left with the short weird girl across the hall earlier and I find his truck keys on the bar. Snatching up the keys in my still bloody hand I head towards the door deciding that she may be able to ignore me on her phone but she won't be able to ignore me in person. Knowing there is only one other place she would be if she isn't at work or home, which I have already checked, I decide to head towards Yoongi's new apartment. The busty redhead working her section told me she was off tonight and luckily Caroline is terrible at keeping secrets. She also never passes on the chance to rub something in my face. Her revealing the new apartment studio location was just second nature to her.

I climb into the elevator and send myself down to the parking lot where I easily find Jimin's large beater in his usual spot. I let the engine roar to life as I turn the keys in the ignition and throw it into gear. Add borrowing his truck to the list of things my cousin will have to be angry with me about. No doubt kicking me out of his apartment is in the near future but at this point I really couldn't care less. I catch several green lights and then find the studio from the address I was given. I park the truck in the open lot and walk up to the door. The door is locked so I opt for waiting for them to return out here. I place my back against the wall and slide down to the ground looking at my fist and stretching the fingers out to make sure nothing is broken. Wouldn't be the first time I've broken something or the last.

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