Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I'm getting ready for work when my phone pings with an incoming text message.

Namjoon: You free Sunday night?

Me: Negative

Namjoon: Monday?

Me: Nope

Namjoon: Ok when is the next day you are available?

Me: Wednesday

Namjoon: There's an Italian place downtown I want to take you. I'll take the night off. Let's say 8:00? Me: Is this a date?

Namjoon: Yes which means you have to kiss me goodnight when I drop you off at your place.

Me: No promises. ;)

With a smile on my face I continue to dress for work. Lisa comes in with a few grocery bags in hand. "I stopped by and got some stuff we were out of." She means that she restocked the brownies and jalapeno cheddar chips. "Guess who's going out Wednesday night?" "What?! You mean the stars finally aligned and gave you and Namjoon the same night off?" "No, more like he found out what day I had off and is going to make it happen with his schedule." Who needs stars to align when you are dedicated to making things happen yourself? Dedication is a good thing. This could finally be the end of my dry spell. I had a steady boyfriend in Busan before Mom got sick. Taehyung was a 3rd year undergrad student. His outgoing personality and good looks had me enamored with himok the seat beSide me in an economics class and quickly asked me out. One date led to another and before I knew it we were always together. Mom got diagnosed 7 months later and soon I didn't have time for Taehyung. He found time for Jennie, who was a busty girl with an annoying squeal of a voice and terrible teeth. One of those giant gaps between the two front teeth that confused me. Was it intentional to give her a distinct bold look or was it just unfortunate orthodontia? Taehyung apparently found it attractive and I was so busy bussing my mom to and from appointments and chemo that I didn't resent him for it. It's amazing what seems so mediocre when you are staring down death. Taehyung had been my second. First was a boy in high school who invited me to prom. Our romance in Paris themed dance inspired me to fall head over heels for him for the night. We rented a hotel room across the street and he took my virginity. Worst 3 minutes of my life. What can I say? I can pick real Casanovas.

The move to Seoul and hunt for reinventing my life while gaining some financial stability kept me preoccupied. Namjoon is a good distraction from being serious. He's exactly my type. He's just enough of the perfect sexiness I need to break the fast. I can really see myself with Namjoon. His light banter and easy flirtation are perfect. There was the one incident when I went to see him at work, but he was drunk. Everyone does stupid things while they are drunk. Even expose new neighbors on camera. It happens. Nothing to get my panties in a wad about.Namjoon was definitely getting that goodnight kiss.

Half the week passed by and before I knew it, Wednesday had arrived. Namjoon would be here in an hour and I had to get ready. I had just returned from the gym, where I thankfully didn't see Yoongi. Just a few days of working out left my muscles aching and my endorphins flowing. I felt better and I just knew tonight was going to be great. I put on a pair of destroyed denim skinny jeans that made my butt look phenomenal.Seriously, I should know. I just spent a good 5 minutes trying to peer around and stare at it from the stand-up mirror in Lisa's room to make sure. I pair them with a chiffon spaghetti strap blouse and 3 inch heels. The arch of the heels do great things for my legs and I knew Namjoon would appreciate it. I decide to curl my hair and give it some sexy body. I take extra time doing my makeup and making my eyes dark and sultry for an evening out.

Namjoon arrives five minutes early. He is dressed in jeans and a blue button up shirt rolled up at the sleeves that pull the specks of color from his eyes. His hair appears freshly cut and makes me want to run myfingers through it. Lisa is at work, so I lock up the apartment and step out. Namjoon grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. It's sweet. He takes me downstairs and helps me climb into Jimin's truck. Jimin loaned him the truck for the night with the agreement he would put gas in the monster and return it in one piece. Climbing up into the passenger seat, I don't know if I should slide over to the middle or stay on the passenger Side. Wanting to grab his hand again, I place my body in the center of the bench seat. Namjoon gives me an easy smile and starts the truck. It roars to life and we head in the direction of Italian deliciousness. The radio plays Seoul country music. I have quickly grown accustomed to the sound of this style of music while living in Deagu. The southern sweetness rings through the speakers.

We pull up to the restaurant where Namjoon hops out and quickly grabs my hand to help me down. He holds open the door for me into the restaurant. Perfect. Wonder if he pulls hair too... We each order a glass of wine and appetizer. Namjoon starts zinging me with questions. He's always so interested in my life and history. He wants to know everything about me. Puzzling that I don't know much about him. He never gives me much time to counter the questions. I once thought about doing the whole answer a question with a question thing to get him talking about himself more, but found it tiring. Questions like "How close were you with your mom?" left me unable to stop gushing about my childhood and old neighborhood. He listens unabated and always follows up with deeper more intuitive questions. I'm captivated by his kind and charming banter. Our meal comes and we both enjoy the rich pasta and creamy sauce. Everything is going perfectly. Namjoon pays the check and takes me back outSide to the truck. "Would you maybe want to go see a movie?" "I haven't been to the theater in a long time. Any good comedies playing?" "There's a good Will Ferrell film out." Sold! Favorite movie of all time is Stepbrothers. I think I've seen that movie two thousand times and still laugh out loud. It's the one I always pick when asked the "What movie would you take if you were on an island and could only watch one movie the rest of your life" question. How exactly would one have a working DVD player on an island they were secluded on anyways?"I'm in." We drive the short distance to a local movie theater and purchase tickets. Namjoon escorts me to seats in the back of the cold dark room. I decide to get up and use the restroom before the movie starts. I wanted to avoid the "Lisa Incident". One time Lisa and I went to a movie. She has a bladder the size of a peanut. Deciding to relieve herself mid-movie, she ran into a waist high wall on the outSide perimeter of the stadium seating area, almost toppling over it in the pitch black. She returned to her seat and found me laughing. She was hoping nobody witnessed the incident. Miracle that I did with my eyesight. My poor vision only amplifies in the dark. Better go now as a precaution. I make my way down the theater seats and exit into the lobby.

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