Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Friday night I get another text from Hobi with his flight schedule for tomorrow morning. I met with the leasing agency this morning and was able to turn in my application and down payment on the apartment. A fresh coat of paint was scheduled to be put on this weekend and then it would be ready for me to furnish. I couldn't wait. In the meantime Hobi will be staying at a hotel downtown and here for my amusement all weekend. I took off work Saturday so we could spend the day together. Lisa hasn't been around much but I let her know I would be with Hobi all weekend so don't worry that I had been murdered and stuffed into a trash can in some alley. Lisa and Jimin have been spending a lot of time together. I wonder if she has told her parents about him yet.

Hobi's plane arrives right on schedule on Saturday morning and I drag myself to the airport to pick him up. While standing in the DFW airport I see his figure emerge from one of the terminals. Hobi looks extremely tan. He must have gotten a lot of sun during his mission trip. His blonde shaggy hair falls across his face in an unruly manner. Guess they didn't have a barber over there either. He gives his usual half grin and drags his bag behind him to greet me. He drops the luggage handle and does one of those slow motion sprints to give me a giant hug. Normally hugs freak me out but I make the exception with Hobi.He grabs me tightly and squeezes the breath out of me making me gasp for air. "Hobi oh my gosh you have to let go of me." He chuckles in his playful way. "Heya Brookie, miss me?" He is the only person I allow to call me Brookie. He finds it charming and I find it annoying. He better be lucky I conSider him a brother or I would give him a swift kick in the nuts. Actually I think that is exactly what you do when someone is your brother. Being an only child makes it all very confusing "So I hope you have some cash because I'm not paying airport parking for your sorry ass," I joke. "Oh you're going to pay it. Then you are going to go treat me to a giant breakfast at the best damn waffle place in Seoul." Hobi knows I hate breakfast food and would have no idea where the best waffle place was. "Waffles for Weirdos?" He glares at me menacingly. "I'm going to take a pillowcase and fill it with bars of soap and beat the shit out of you with it," he quotes from our favorite movie. "Good luck sissy boy. I can kick your ass any day of the week. Even more so now that I'm a Seoul girl. They grow them bigger down here you know." He looks around mockingly. "If by bigger you mean fatter then yes I agree. You forget I've been in Belize helping dig wells for the locals. Definitely a wake up call for how greedy Americans are in general." I hit him in the shoulder. The fact that Hobi would sacrifice his summer to go do something like that for a group of people he had never met is another reason I love him so much. He makes my excitement about planning an anniversary party for a politician seem like a mediocre accomplishment. He definitely makes the drink serving I have been doing at Mack's feel like subpar use of my time. We chat about my new job and the upcoming party during the drive to his hotel anyways and he smiles and encourages me the whole way. Hobi might be the nicest guy I have ever met. After dropping off his bags and getting him checked into his room we make our way to the best place for chicken and waffles. I figure Hobi could eat the waffles and I'd eat the chicken. I totally don't mind chicken at 9 a.m. no matter how weird it seems.

We order our food and as promised the food is delicious. Hobi scarfs down the waffles like a starving person and I manage to get food all over the front of my shirt. "Look at you. I can't take you anywhere in public," Hobi quips. I scrunch my face at him mockingly and grab for the check. "I was just kidding about you paying the bill. I think I want you saving all your money so you don't have to work at the strip club anymore. What kind of man lets his friend show her undies for money and then use that money to pay for waffles?" "I am not showing my undies, and the burlesque, not STRIP club is paying for me a new apartment so no worries there. It's only temporary. I am hoping this party planning gig turns into a full time thing for me." Hobi again lets me gush about the details of the job I know he finds girly and strange, but continues to smile the whole time I do in true Hobi fashion. He pays the bill and we get in my car to head back to his hotel. After he checks in, we enter the room which is now freezing due to the subzero thermostat setting. I flop onto the second double bed on the right Side of the room and pull the covers over my body quickly. "I'm totally sleeping here tonight. You have the extra bed and I have a bad back." He laughs out loud. "What if I want to bring a girl back here? You aren't really into voyeurism so..." I wink at him. "You don't know how much Seoul has changed me my friend!" I know Hobi is kidding. He wouldn't bring someone back here for a one night stand. He's the settle down for life type. I'm not sure he will everfind a girl that is worthy enough for him but I really hope he does. "Speaking of hook-ups, what kind of guys do you have lined up in Seoul so far?" I groan. I proceed to tell him the Yoongi versus Namjoon situation and he listens with deft ears. Lisa always listens to my man drama with so much more enthusiasm. This is why guy friends are mainly just good for playstation marathons and beer drinking. His eyes glass over until I get to the part about Yoongi having a girlfriend. "Oh shit, he's been playing you this whole time?" I squint my eyes. "I guess. Well...I think so. It seemed like she's his girlfriend." He glares at me across the room. "You're telling me that you have a theory that he has a girlfriend. Brookie...the girl who once thought the Ebola virus was a government plot to weed out the socially inept of the world...and he has not confirmed this with words and you have not confirmed it by any other source other than your hairbrained theory because of a conversation that you partially eavesdropped on after he invited you over to his new apartment. You do realize how freaking crazy girl you sound right now right Sybil?" Well that was a mouth full, but when you put it that way. Yeah I do sound a little crazy. Doesn't mean Yoongi is off the hook quite yet though. He has some explaining to do. "Good old Hobi. Always the voice of reason. I knew there was a perk to keeping you around!" "You mean other than my amazingly good looks and witty personality?" I raise one eyebrow. "Speaking of that, what's going on with your hair dude? We have to get you a haircut stat." He ruffles his blonde locks in his fingers playfully. "I kind of like it. Makes me feel all California beach babe." I shake my head no continuously, "I know a good salon. We'll get you help...Point Break wannabe."

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