Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I enter Miranda's store on Monday like we had planned and I am immediately greeted by her smiling face behind the counter. She pulls a large binder from behind her and we start reviewing pictures of some of her previous events. After covering some technical details of how I will be paid and when, we discuss what the client wants and go over some basic plans. She pulls out a stack of magazines and sends them home for me to look over for inspiration. We make another appointment for Thursday to get further into discussion and I'm excited to have something so rousing to occupy my time other than Yoongi.

On my way back inSide the apartment complex I find Namjoon getting out of Jimin's truck. I loiter at the door waiting on him just inSide the threshold. He follows me in and glares. "Is there a reason Yoongi is giving me ultimatums to stay away from you? What is going on between the two of you?" Ok. Random. Nice to see you too. "What are you talking about? Nothing is going on. We're friends I guess. He's been at the gym the last few times I went and then he was at the apartment the other day when I spent the night." He gives me a "no shit" look and starts stalking away. Namjoon needs his medication checked. What is his problem? "Look. Nothing is going on. I swear to you. I just feel like there's other stuff going on with you and you just sort of shut down when I bring it up. I like you Namjoon. I think you just have some baggage and I'm ok with that. I just maybe need more consistency from you. You are hot and then you're cold. It's confusing me ok." Namjoon sighs audibly then lets down his wall of anger. "I'm sorry. I told you I have some legal stuff going on. It's just taking a toll on me. Then I heard that Yoongi is moving out and that means rent just went up on the apartment. It's nothing. I'm sorry." Yoongi's moving out? Why wouldn't he mention that? Still pondering, we both get in the elevator and ride it up to our floor. "I'll text you tonight. I need to take a shower and get ready for work," I say as I exit the elevator.

I shower and mid-stream I remember that I forgot to confront Namjoon about the picture. Why would he take that from my purse? Mentally reminding myself to text him tonight I step out to find a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: You working tonight?

Me: Who is this? And how did you get my number?

Unknown: Yoongi. Are you working tonight?

Me: Yes. You?

Yoongi: No, but there's something I want to show you. And you should never question how a ninja gets anything.

Me: Calling yourself a ninja now. Nice. Not audacious at all. I don't get off work until 1 so that might be a little late no?

Yoongi: It's perfect. Come to 1257 Roberts Avenue when you get off work.

Me: Is this some sort of test where you throw a black hood over my head and decide if my self defense techniques are subpar?

Yoongi: They are definitely subpar. I don't need a hood to tell you that. Just meet me there.

Me: Fine

Silently I plan on questioning Yoongi about his moving plans. I also plan on confronting him about his talk with Namjoon. I thought we agreed that was none of his business. He's going to have to start being less aggressive if we are going to continue this little friendship. I get ready for work and prepare myself to meet Yoongi at some unknown location afterwards. Such an off the wall request from him.

Work passes by at a snail's pace and my anxiety about seeing Yoongi is a bit bewildering. I fumble through my duties as a mediocre employee (don't tell Sam) and find myself ready to go with all tables cleared by 12:45. I count my tips as I walk out the door and head to my car almost half an hour earlier than planned. Another week of tips and Friday's hourly check should be enough to cover the deposit and first month's rent on the apartment I have been scoping out. The For Lease sign has been up about a week and I know if I don't get it soon it will be gone. The building is only a block from Lisa and would still work out perfectly to keep me close to Mack's and Miranda's with hopes that she approves of my party planning skills for future endeavors.

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