Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Brook has me so fucking confused. What the hell is happening here? Namjoon is the good guy and somehow I get twisted into a cheating monster? What alternate universe are we living in? Why would she think I have a girlfriend? I hear the sound of shoes across the floor downstairs. I take the stairs two at a time and meet Caroline's smiling face. We have grown really close in the last 6 months. Her restraining order against Namjoon prevented her from seeing me at the apartment. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. His instability and unpredictable behavior and moods were making it almost impossible to maintain any sort of semblance of a friendly facade. Caroline had begged me to keep the peace until her court date. Their 8 month old daughter was now the center of a feuding battle of custody and the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and made Namjoon borderline psychotic. His obsession with continuing to talk to Caroline despite the restraining order proved that he was unstable. The court date was next week. In the meantime I had offered Caroline self defense lessons to prevent Namjoon from instilling fear in her, and consequently preventing her from being alone safely with their little girl Abigail. Namjoon's sudden fascination with Y/N was disarming. Brook had no idea what he was capable of and until the court date I didn't want to risk Caroline or Abigail's safety. Caroline had plans of returning to Boston once the judge awarded her sole custody of their daughter. Relief to have them both safely across the country and with family made me eager for the next week to just be done already. Caroline had been a bartender at a bar next to Corkscrew. It wasn't long before her and Namjoon hit it off and inevitably Namjoon had got her pregnant right offthe bat. Caroline didn't start seeing Namjoon's anger issues until it was too late.

I still remember the look of terror on her face when I saw her at work the following night. She told me how Namjoon had been angry out of nowhere and when she said something to him about calming down he backhanded her and then grabbed her by the throat holding her up against a wall. Something made him release her and she regained her breath and kept her life. With a little girl, she was fearful of him endangering their child's life after that point, not to mention her own welfare. Her trip to the police station, resignation from the bartending job nextdoor, his brief stay in jail, and ultimately the restraining order that resulted was not something to deter Namjoon. All I could imagine was Brook getting herself into a similar situation. That wouldn't be good for her and I would probably end up in prison for murder.

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