Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


The next day I get another text from Yoongi reiterating that Caroline has requested to meet me. I'm still puzzling at why she would want that. What good can possibly come from meeting me? I know she is a part of Yoongi's life and has history with Namjoon, but why would she want to meet me? The whole thing seems awkward, even more awkward than I'm accustomed to. Not knowing how else to handle the situation I just concede and tell Yoongi that I'll be at his place before work today if she wants to meet then.

Deciding in a very predictable womanly way that I need to look my absolute best if I am meeting Caroline for the first time, I get extra dressed up for my day at work. I carefully curl my hair and then comb myfingers through it making bouncy natural looking black waves. I have to spray it several times with extra hold hairspray to avoid losing the curls the moment I walk out into the Seoul humidity. My makeup is done to perfection even using some contouring techniques that I have been watching way too many YouTube videos on. The crap is a lot harder than it looks. Those girls always make it seem so natural. Took me about seven tries of looking like Neapolitan ice cream before I finally got it right. My black leather mini skirt and white top with the entire back cut out are anything but subtle. I grab a pair of black lace pattern 4 inch heels to pair with it. I take a look in the tall mirror in Lisa's room before heading out to my car. I throw my large Marc Jacobs purse across the seat of my car and give my reflection one last look in the car mirror to make sure the lighting didn't change how awesome I thought my makeup was in the apartment.Not too shabby. Feeling somewhat confident I head towards Yoongi's studio.

I arrive and get out walking slowly towards the front door. Not sure of the etiquette when Yoongi has another guest, I debate knocking or just walking on in. Deciding that Yoongi and I are past polite subtleties I decide to just go on in. I take about three steps with my heels clicking across the hardwoods when I spot Yoongi with whom I now know to be Caroline. Something internally clicks inSide me that feels an awful lot like nausea. I can literally feel my face starting to turn red with something that has grown very familiar to me with Yoongi lately. Jealous rage engulfs me when I spot her hand on him. Her hand which is also conveniently sporting perfectly manicured nails is positioned just slightly above his hips in a very unfriendly way. What...the... hell. Trying to compose myself to not appear ravenous I continue walking towards them. Yoongi looks up immediately with an almost relieved look on his face. I try to convey to him in just one glare that I will straight up murder him. I'm pretty sure that I have succeeded when his face turns from relief to horror. He takes one step back from Caroline and she turns around with a huge smile on her face and looks directly at me. She is pretty in a very hoochie-like way. Her petite frame is clothed in a red mini dress that dips incredibly low in the front revealing a ton of cleavage. Her shorter brown hair is styled perfectly in waves and her makeup looks flawless except for those overly bright red lips that are now starting to piss me off as they grin at me in an almost coy-like way.

I throw out my right hand in a professional manner and offer her my name. "Hi Caroline. Y/N Bridges, nice to meet you." I may have ground out the nice part. It is possible I just completely let my bitch flagfly. One of her arched eyebrows raises and she lets out a sNamjooner. "Y/N Bridges?" Seeing now that the handshake isn't happening I return my hand to my Side. "Yes. That's my name. I would change it but seems a little inappropriate this late in the game. BeSides, it's going to change anyways once I get married. Not to mention how upset it probably would have made my mother if she were in fact still ALIVE." As I say this I look directly at Yoongi. It's a little forward I know, but I figure at this point he deserves to squirm. The room goes completely silent. His face is void of the shock or appall I thought it would show. I return my stare to Caroline who now is pursing her scarlet lips. She gives an unexpected response. "Sorry. It's nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you from Yoongi. You aren't at all as he described though." I squint one eye in what I'm sure makes my face appear like I had a stroke. "Really? And how did he describe me?" "He left out how beautiful you are." Ouch. Score one for the hoochie."I'm sure Yoongi is deeper than you imagine him Caroline. He's always been more about brains than boobs with me." I look directly at her easily size D cups that are on full display to the world. I have nice boobs. I was absolutely a late bloomer but once I got them I was blessed with ones that always seemed just about perfect in my eyes. Not too big. Not too small. The right balance. Hers look to be augmented in an almost too perfect way. I look over at Yoongi who now looks so confused and uncomfortable that I would expect him to run from the room at any moment. Hell I may run soon. I can only keep up this catty exchange for so long."Right. You're a smart girl I'm sure. That's why I wanted to give you some information about Namjoon before you get too involved, and let you make a smart decision about him too." I remember that there is more to this situation than some woman who is trying to show me up in front of Yoongi. This woman is the mother of a small child she shares with Namjoon, that Yoongi obviously has a high concern for. I nod allowing her to proceed. "I'm not sure if Yoongi has told you anything about me or my daughter, but before you let things go any further than friendship with Namjoon I felt it only fair to warn you about what you are getting yourself into."

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