Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Lisa and I spend the next morning together. It feels like forever since we both had a moment to catch up with one another. I invade Lisa's room first thing in the morning climbing into bed beSide her and groaning with my aching muscles. The gym yesterday took a massive toll on my body. "Oh my gosh Y/N, there's no room for you on this twin mattress." "No joke. What kind of 23 year old woman has a twin bed? Did you steal this from your college dorm room or something?" Lisa smiles showing a bright silver bar across her teeth. Lisa is also the only 23 year old woman who still wears her retainer to bed. She has had her braces off for ten years but fears they are going to go back to the way they were. It's overkill if you ask me. Pretty sure the orthodontist would tell her to trash the thing at this point. "How was your date with Namjoon? I haven't seen you to ask." " was ok." "Ok, spill. You said that in the least impressive way possible." "Well it was good until the movie theater. When the movie was over he was texting someone on the way out and it's like it changed his whole mood. Bam. He suddenly turned into an ass. Like got snippy with me. He apologized when we got upstairs, and then we kissed. It was...gross. Likefirst kiss with the guy who forgot he had chewing tobacco in his mouth." Can't say that's ever really happened to me, but a girl in college told me this horror story about a guy she dated once. It made me vomit just hearing her retell it. "Oh eww, graphic." "Maybe we just need practice or something. I don't know. He's really hot. He seems like someone I could like, but then he tells me what had him upset from the text was some "legal" issue. Any idea what he's talking about?" "Legal issue? No. Jimin hasn't said anything about that. Maybe he's just in some civil suit or something. Probably didn't pay his last landlord or something." "Yeah. Maybe. I don't know. I'm willing to get to know him a little better. Maybe do a bit more...practicing." I give her a wink. She smiles at me with that retainer again. Got to love Lisa.

It's hot and humid outSide. My hair is not cooperating so I decide to do one of my famous messy buns again. I pair my holiest pair of cutoff shorts and a shirt of Will Ferrell in Stepbrothers with the word "Swag" across it. Myflip flops pad down the street as I explore some of the shops. I have money but I have been trying to be thrifty and save up for the apartment and bare minimum furnishings for it. The shops sing out to me as I walk by the windows. A quirky little place with strung lights and paper lanterns catches my eye. I walk inSide and the bell above the door chimes. The sign above the door reads "Beginning to End". I have no idea what they are selling but the name and decor were intriguing enough so I figure what the heck. The front desk is littered with thick books with plastic covered pages. An older lady with silver hair emerges from the back of the store. She approaches me with a gentle smile on her face. "Good afternoon young lady, how can I help you?" I puzzle. "Well, I was really just walking by and some of your decorations caught my eye. Are you a party supply store or something?" "Well I wouldn't really say I sell the party supplies, more like sell the experience." I scrunch my forehead. "Not sure I understand." She chuckles. "Everyone has special occasions in their life. I help people design and plan those occasions. Anything from baby showers to wakes. Beginning to End." My jaw drops slightly. "I don't really have anything special going on right now to plan for, but what you do sounds amazing." "Planning isn't for everyone. Some people find the idea of planning things year round insane. Stressful. Maybe it makes me a bit crazy to ask people to let me worry for them on all the details." "I don't think it sounds crazy. I love planning things. I did a really great birthday for my mom once. It took a lot of time, but felt so rewarding." Her smile returns. "You know I have a big party coming up. One of the local politicians is celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary. The venue is going to be rather large and I could probably use some help for the function. If you would be interested that is." My face brightens. "That would be awesome." "Doesn't pay very much to start out, and it would just be this one event for now, but if you do a good job then I will make sure and let you know when the next big project is." I quickly provide her with my information and we set up to meet back at her shop next Monday. I can do this before my night schedule at Mack's. Something to keep me occupied when Lisa starts back to college would be a good idea anyways. I would hate to know I was sitting in the apartment all day alone waiting on my night shift to start.

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