Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Scanning the room quickly I see the congressman and his wife beaming and then find Miranda at the opposite Side of the room. Trying not to leave Yoongi alone, I take his hand and lead us towards her. Miranda is delighted to see us and starts to boast about the amazing job I've done. Yoongi just stands there looking almost overly proud while she talks. After several minutes of being reassured that no issues have come up and we should just go enjoy ourselves, we leave Miranda to go find the food. Dragging Yoongi along behind me he whispers in my ear, "Is there somewhere more quiet we can go?" "Sure, let's just fix a plate first and I'll take you outSide." We pile our plates with food from the long tables that line one Side of the room and then start walking towards the back of the building. We step out through french doors onto a patio that overlooks a small lake and other areas of the large estate that have been rented for the night by other groups. Music can be heard in the distance and a few small groups of people have gathered out here to smoke or talk in a more quiet setting. We find an empty table and sit our plates down making our way into the chairs. Yoongi pulls my chair out before I can and I'm again delighted with how much of a gentleman he is. Food starts flying into my mouth at the speed of light and before I know it I have completely devoured my entire plate before he has even eaten a portion of his. Great, I'm sure you look super sexy when you are shoveling food into your mouth. I take a look down to make sure I haven't managed to spill anything on myself, especially since I am wearing white. I'm relieved when I can't find anything except a stray crumb or two that litter my hair. I brush them off and then look at Yoongi expectantly. "This anniversary party looks amazing. Everyone seems to be having a great time. Pretty sure we are about three decades too young to be here though." He laughs out loud. "Oh my God I'm so glad you said that. I was hoping I wasn't just being an asshat for thinking that." "Did you just use my word?" "I'm sorry what?" "Asshat. You used my word." He squints his eyes at me and replies, "Umm, you don't have a copyright on the word asshat." "Do you want me to throat punch you again?" He mockingly puts up his hands in defense against any attack I am about to make.

Music from one of the other parties across the lake gets louder. "You want to go crash a wedding?" Yoongi's eyes get a little large with shock and then he shrugs. "Why not?" I grin in victory. The lake is not very large and other than the sinking ground when I try to walk in my heels we make our way to a wedding reception fairly quickly. The bride and groom are late twenties and current music blares from the speakers surrounding the floor of dancing guests. Trying to blend in as much as possible we follow suit with those around us and start dancing. Neither of us can dance very well but that doesn't seem to matter or phase any of the guests as they move in a jumping up and down motion to the blaring song. Suddenly someone dressed in what appears to be a bridesmaid dress approaches us and looks at us seriously. Her small voice chirps, "I don't know you. Are you supposed to be here?" Holy mother of God, that has to be the quickest bust in the history of all wedding crashes. "Uncle Ned's kids," I reply snarkily. The petite girl in the short lavender chiffon dress busts out laughing. "Extra points for the Wedding Crashers quote. The bride is my best friend, so if you are going to stay then you have to dance." We both nod, afraid to piss off the little woman with a strong personality. Songs continue to change and time continues to pass and before long the exhaustion hits me. I pause and then look over at Yoongi who seemingly has been looking at me this entire time. Walking towards the edge of the wedding reception area where everyone has gathered we catch the eye of the pixie girl again and give a small wave as we discretely exit the party. She gives a single nod and then picks right back up where she left off. We make our way down the shoreline and find an old wooden dock that casts a dark shadow on the grassy area around the lake. I pause to look at the small waves from the lake that lap onto the shore and then disappear like they were never there. Before I know what is happening Yoongi takes my hands tugging them behind my back and pushes me against one of the wooden beams holding up the old wooden dock. My back presses into the wood and my hands are held captive as he presses his body against mine. He presses his lips to mine in a hungry way and the scent of his cologne wafts over me. I let out an audible groan as he continues to kiss me dipping his tongue into my mouth and then pulling away only to trail his mouth down my neck and then onto my shoulder. Taking his hands and placing them on the back of my thighs as he presses me into him closer I can feel my heart start to race as my breathing gets heavier. He cups my butt in both hands and then lifts me up off the ground slightly as he frees my hands from behind me. I grab his neck and then pause. Seeing my hesitation he also stops, staring at me with those green eyes that make my heart palpitate. My voice comes out a little muffled as I ask, "Should friends be doing this?" He looks at me boldly with confirmation zinging in his voice as he says "Not right here they shouldn't, but we can fix that. You have about 30 seconds to say goodbye to Miranda and meet me at the truck." Bossy. Damn. I love it. I make my way and find Miranda and say goodbye in record speed. My heels click frantically across the parking lot and then I slow down to an almost normal pace right before his truck gets into sight as to appear not too overly eager. I'm out of breath and trying to regain composure when I see Yoongi fire up the truck and then lean over the seat to open up the passenger door for me.

We aren't driving long when Yoongi's phone rings. I hear his voice change from annoyed to concerned when he says "It's gone? What do you mean it's gone? No I'm with Brook. I'll be there shortly." Yoongi looks over at me as he squints his eyes. "Jimin needs some help. Apparently his truck is gone and Namjoon won't answer his calls." I quickly look away. Namjoon has been frantically texting me all night. I briefly debate telling Yoongi but decide against it. I wouldn't want to worry him any more than I have to and I really don't want to ruin the moment. "You want to stop back by the apartment and I can just grab my car? I'll meet you back at your place? Give you some time to talk to Jimin alone?" He agrees after a brief second. "I won't be long I swear." We pull up to my new apartment. I give him a cursory look as I again debate mentioning Namjoon's manic texts to him and then say "Ok, I'll see you soon. Don't make me wait too long." He hands me a key to his place. I take it letting the cold key rest in my hand. He tries to lighten the mood. "You turn into a pumpkin at midnight?" I shake my head at him in mach disapproval at his terrible fairytale reference and get out of his truck. Yoongi pulls out of the parking lot and I make my way to my car grabbing my phone out of my purse as I scroll through the last couple texts from Namjoon.

Namjoon: Where the fuck are you?

Namjoon: Babe I'm sorry. Where are you?

Namjoon: I need to talk to you. I've got a lot of stuff going on. I'm ready to talk to you about it.

Namjoon: Stop being a bitch Y/N. If you don't text me back in 5 minutes I'm about to send Jimin's truck into the nearest tree.

Holy mother of God this guy is psychotic. The last text from Namjoon was 7 minutes ago. I have a moment of guilt that he may have actually done something to hurt himself and then want to punch myself in the face for thinking it. Namjoon is crazy. Yoongi told you this. Caroline has told you this, even though that chick seems like she might be a little crazytown herself. I brush off the regret I feel for not being able to help Namjoon in some way and decide that I need to start following Yoongi's advice to just take care of myself in situations and stop putting myself in harms way. Knowing that I feel the safest with Yoongi I quickly get into my car, throw my purse across to the passenger seat and place my phone into my cupholder. I make good time to Yoongi's studio and quickly pull into the lot.

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