Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I pull into the parking lot of my new place with Brook still on my lap. I place the truck in park and kill the engine. Brushing her long dark hair away from her face I take a moment to stare at her. How could she have let herself get this drunk. Especially around Namjoon. He can't be trusted. Why can't she see that? If anything had happened to her I would have never forgiven myself. This damn secret is eating away at me. I can't allow her to be hurt. I won't allow him to hurt her. I take her head and gently slide it off of me as I get out of the truck. I mentally debate how I'm going to pull her off the seat without waking her. I give her arm a small shake thinking waking her might actually be better and she moans in her sleep. God she needs to quit making those sounds. They make my mind create inappropriate scenarios. Deciding she is dead to the world I slide her from the truck and grab her into my arms once more. She again lays her head against my chest and allows me to walk her to my new building. I unlock the downstairs studio and manage to close it and relock it with her still in my arms unfazed.

Brook is thin but her tall frame makes her no easy feat to carry. I readjust her in my arms and begin to walk up the stairs. I finally make it to the top of the landing and walk over to my bed positioned across the room. I managed to move some of my things in here today after getting the keys this morning. I closed on the space yesterday, finally securing a location for my future studio and a current living space. I had intended on showing Brook the place tonight but she never showed. Worried about her I immediately went to her apartment. After finding Brook and Namjoon together I was glad I barged in directly after knocking. Namjoon had been completely sober while Brook couldn't even form coherent thoughts or sentences. I debate returning to kill him but decide to allow things to take their natural course instead. I had to believe that justice would prevail, eventually. Until then I just needed to make sure she was as far from Namjoon as possible. How to do that would be the problem. Her obstinacy and his blatant disregard for his life were both going to be problems. I lay her in bed and see the splatters on her dress. She is not sleeping with me like that. I pull her tainted dress over her head and carry it to the laundry room. I grab one of my favorite shirts from the dresser drawer and return to the bed. Her black lace bra grabs my attention and I catch myself staring at her body a little longer than appropriate. Stop being a pervert. Necrophilia isn't your thing. I quickly tug my shirt over her head and pull each of her arms through the holes. Pulling the shirt down her Sides, I return the covers over her. The shower calls out to me. Something about taking care of a puking person that makes you feel like you need a shower. Not that I minded holding her hair back while she was sick, but I felt like I needed to wash away that experience. I give her one last cursory glance and then go for the bathroom. I shower and return to Brook still in my bed. I lie beSide her and click off the lamp. Her muffled snores echo through the top floor and I smile in the dark.

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