Me, Myself and I

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Serena Ellis: Jessica Alba
Jared Leto: Himself
Kim Belfontine: Lizzy Caplan
Hugh Meener: Willem Dafoe
Shannon Leto: Himself
Tomo Milecivic: Himself
John Davis: Neil Patrick Harris
Emma Ludbrook: Herself
"And that's a wrap guys! Good job everybody!" The director called out as my acting partner said his last line. Everyone cheered and walked off set and back into their trailers.
The first thing I attended to in there was my face. I ran the water for a while and splashed some on my face to cool me down. It was very hot on set and we were all sweating. I was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I said and the door opened to John Davis, my agent.
"Well done Eli! Wow..." He stopped in his tracks when he looked at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"Eli, you look like shit." He stated still staring at my tired face.
"Oh. Yeah I know." I laughed and he continued.
"Anyway, Oprah wants a talk, I've got some interviews arranged in Britain that we need to attend when the movie finally comes out and we have the premiere in LA to be getting to in a couple of days time." He informed me
John Davis had been my agent for about 4 years now and he was fantastic at his job. He knew how to get things done no questions asked and he could plead his way into anything.
"That sounds great John but, it's only been 2 minutes since we finished shooting." I said.
"That doesn't matter! What matters is that you get to these interviews before anyone else does! You are the best Eli!" He laughed as he poked my shoulder causing me to laugh.
"Ok then, whatever you say boss."
"Hey honey, your the Boss! Give me shout if you need anything!" He shouted before he left my trailer again. I shook my head and smiled before sprawling across my bed and drifting off into a deep sleep. I was woken by a loud thump on the roof of my trailer followed by an inhuman yelp. My eyes darted open and I looked up the the roof which had numerous dents in it, and they were moving. Suddenly the window at the centre of my roof opened and a head poked out from it.
"Hey girly!" The being said as they got themself inside. It turned out to be Kim Belfontine, my friend.
"Oh my god Kim, you scred me for a minute there!" I laughed and she did the same.
"Sorry, how are you doing?"
"Good actually. I had a nice sleep and I feel more up to things now. I just findings shooting the movie today!" I smiled and she clapped her hands together.
"Aw that's great! It felt like it was taking forever! Oh yeah, I came round here to ask you out tomorrow night. There is a party at Ellen's."
"Ellen Degeneres? I thought her birthday was next week?"
"Yeah well, she is having a party tomorrow night and she invited us. You wanna come then?" She asked me again.
I thought about it for a moment. I bet you $50 that I would get the questions that sound as if the people asking them are interested but they are actually wanting to stab you with their fork in the chest there and then. They are always the same. I always get the:
1) "So how is your family?"
2) "I love your dress!"
3) "I love your hair!"
4) "Have you gotten prettier?"
5) Are you still single? How is that possible?"
They irritate me so much. It's not that I hate socialising, it's just I hate fake people. Hate them. It's like they have masks or something for whoever they talk to. But I love Ellen, and she always has interesting people at her parties.
"Fine, I'll come along." I smirk and Kim gives me a high five.
"Great! I'll meet you there at 9:00. You still remember where she lives don't you?" I nod.
"Of coarse. I'll see you later Kim."
"Bye!" She squeals and exits the trailer using the door this time. Thankfully.
I just lay in my trailer for the rest of the night until my phone beeped beside me interrupting my Friends marathon. I picked it up and it was a tweet from Kim, she was probably drunk. I giggled to myself and rolled my eyes before turning my TV off and going back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and went dress shopping for this party I was attending. John joined me for 'help' as he called it but all it consisted of was him taking 'important business calls'. I groaned at him a searched among the aisles. John was beginning to get cranky.
"Oh my god Serena, will you pick something already? We have been in a total of 5 stores and all the dresses look the same!" He moaned pointing to the dresses.
"Shh! They'll hear you.." I joked stroking them softly. He groaned again.
"I'm not looking for a dress John, I'm going to Ellen's. There is going to be energy-fuelled dancing, heavy drinking and crazy games. I need to be comfortable." Just when I said those words I noticed something.
It was a black jumpsuit with a thin white stripe along the chest. It was stylish and comfortable yet classy. I smiled from ear to ear, took it from the rack and held it against me.
"I love this!" I said to John who nodded.
"Now that is nice, it would look good with your figure." He said. I nodded and looked in the mirror. This was the outfit.
After we bought the shoes and other accessories we travelled back to my house. John and I made ourselves some dinner and then I began to get ready. I slipped on my jumpsuit and my god it made my ass and hips look amazing. You see, I was skinny but I had curves...I looked like a woman. I had relatively big booty and reasonable sized boobs so I was basically balanced.
I made my hair big and curly and wore my white court shoes. I added the finishing touches like jewellery and makeup before we left for the party. We were driving for about 20 minutes before we reached our destination. The house seemed quiet from outside with muffled voices but when you opened the door the music blared and everyone's talking was basically shouting. Ellen's wife answered with a huge smile on her face.
"Serena! John! How nice of you to come!" She laughed and hugged us both.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" I laugh back and we followed her inside. We were greeted by Ellen herself and other big names like Robert De Niro and Matthew McConaughey. We talked to people for a while before I heard a loud yell.
"Serena Ellis!" I turned my head around to see Kim again. She hugged me casually and we walked outside to the back yard. We were then greeted by the lovely Emma Thomson who was obviously drunk.
"Hello girls!" She smiled and hugged us both.
"Hey Emma! How are you?" I asked.
"Oh I'm grand darling. How about you? I love your outfit." She said looking me up and down.
I know what I said about the question thing but Emma is genuine. She is normal and I don't mind being asked those questions by her because I know she is serious.
"Why thanks. And I'm great too, just finished my movie there so I'm gonna have to enjoy the sleep while I can!" I chucked and she did the same.
"Oh congratulations! I bet it's a hit! Well, I'll see you two later maybe... I'll fuck off now." She said which made us both laugh and wave to her before she disappeared again. I turned to Kim who was still laughing.
"She is really good when she's drunk."
"Yeah, she gets even funnier." I resume and we continue to chat amongst ourselves until we had an encounter. When I turned around a person bumped into me causing my drink and theirs to splash all over my new outfit. I gasped at the coldness and stepped back looking at myself.
"My god, I'm sorry!" The being said to me. I looked up to the man who was standing looking me up and down with guilty eyes.
"Oh it's ok, I'm sure you didn't mean it."
"No really I am! I'm really sorry about your clothes. Please forgive me." He pleaded as he began to stroke and pat the fabric of my garment failing to get the stain out. He was patting my chest. I cleared my throat and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What is it?" He asked.
"You are patting my boobs." I stated and his eyes widened.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry again..." He took a step back this time and I smiled at him.
"I told you it's ok. Now stop apologising." I chuckled reassuring the man.
"Can I at least get you another drink?" He asked me. I looked to Kim who nodded immediately.
"Go on then." I smiled and took his arm. I walked with him to a table which was filled with glasses of champagne. He picked up two glasses from the table and handed me one. For a moment I felt a slight tingle in my stomach when the man looked at me. I began to study him.
He was tall and lean with short brown hair. His eyes were a distinctive blue colour and he had a gorgeous smile that showed off his perfect set of teeth. He was one of those people who's smile made you smile.
"So, am I forgiven?" He asked turning to me again.
"Yes you are, don't worry." I giggled and he smiled again. Oh my god that smile.
"So what's your name?" He asked me.
"Serena. Serena Ellis." I said and he nearly choked on his drink.
"Oh my god so you are! I love your work Miss Ellis." He started which made me blush a little.
"And yours is?" I started.
"Jared...Leto." He continued which made my eyes widen this time. He smirked at my reaction.
"Right back at you! I thought you were great in Requiem For A Dream, it's such an underrated film." I said and his smile kind if disappeared.
Oh my god Serena, why did you say that? You are making yourself sound like an asshole!
"I mean... It's wasn't a bad movie, it's just not a lot of people have seen it to say...n-never mind."
Ok Serena. You are an asshole.
"No no, I know what you are trying to say. It was quite a complicated movie." He said as he took another sip from his champagne.
We'll done asshole.
"I uh-heard you have just finished a project. Some superhero movie or something?"
"Oh yeah, I thought that would have been fun you know? Being a superhero, well I was a villain which was kinda better." He smiled again and glanced away for a moment.
"Yeah...I like a woman with a bit of a bad side." He said which made my heart drop a little. Is he flirting with me? Should I flirt back? No. You have just been through a breakup Serena and you don't want 'Serena the slut will see ya' all over the papers. I just played it cool.
"It's the same with me, I like a sense of mystery." I answered back casually. Wait, that did sound a little flirty...shit. Thankfully someone called his name from from a distance.
"I'm sorry I have to go, it was really great meeting you. And I'm glad I spilled my drink all over your boobs." He said with a chuckled that you would hear from a 12 year old boy seeing something dirty. I giggled and shook his hand.
"And it was a pleasure getting my boobs patted by you Mr Leto. Until next time." I smiled before he left.

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