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4 Years Later


"Mom!" I shouted from my bed. I was currently on a site which was talking about famous roles and moments in movies. I was castes in a film about 6 years ago and it was one of my favourite characters to play.

"Mom! Look!" I carried on until the door burst open to a sweaty mother dearest.

"What's wrong?" She yelled back in fright.

"Look!" I pointed to my laptop screen which had a picture of myself on it.

"Is that it? Is that all you wanted me for? A picture of you?" She asked dumbfounded.

"No mom, look below it! Look what it says!" My mother groaned and leaned in to see the screen but failed after a minute.

"I can't see it, I haven't got my glasses." She said and I read it.

"Serena Ellis, most famous for her iconic roles in dramatic heart stoppers and sock flying comedies. Her fashion made a statement and her personality was hard not to love...but where is she now?" I stopped and stated at that sentence for a moment before my mom patted my shoulder.

"I'm glad your name is still roaming honey but will you please clean this room?" She demanded studying my bedroom. I shrugged at her and started typing again.

"Mom, it's my room and my house. The only people that visit me are Kim, John and you."

"I don't care, you will get all sorts of creatures living in here never mind outside..." She mumbled folding some clothes that were lying in the floor. I watched her and smiled.

After my accident it was hard to work. I had pains all the time and I had to walk with crutches for a while. Eventually, I couldn't get to premiers on time and it was a real hassle to get to audition and calls on time too. I lost money, I moved home and I'm depressed. I now have frequent visits from my mother who cleans my house and makes me tea if she is in the mood.

"Mom, you should get home, you have been here all day and you look tired."

"Yeah, I should. I'll see you later honey." She said and kissed my forehead before leaving. I sighed and walked downstairs and turned on the TV.

I flicked through the channels and there was nothing I liked so I went on to the movie category. There nothing I wanted to watch:


Allo! Allo!

The King And I

A Bullet For A General

A Touch Of Mink

But then one name caught my eye: "Fight Club."

I pressed enter and it was just starting. I sat back in my couch and watched it. The film was weird but actually really interesting. I had heard good things about it and I had only seen about 20 minutes of it. About an hour had passed and I was captivated, I felt like if I blinked I would miss about 5 scenes. The scene was with some of the guys in fight club threatening a politician guy. After they did that, they all went there separate ways but then there he was...

There was a guy in this movie with bleach blonde hair that looked very familiar. He was even more familiar when he laughed. I knew him from somewhere...but where? I paused the film and stared at the screen, I needed help. I picked up my phone beside me and called John for help. He answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey John, I need help." I said blanky.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He started to panic on the other line.

"No no I'm fine, it's just a question."

"Oh ok, go on."

"You know that movie Fight Club?" I started. I could see him nodding on the other side.

"Of coarse, what about it?"

"You know that blonde guy in it?"

"Yeah..." He dragged.

"Who is he?" I finally asked and we were quiet for a minute. I could hear him thinking.

"I think his name is Jared Leto. I'm not sure but I hope I helped you out a bit." He said.

"Yes thank you. I'll see you later, bye!" I answered and hung up.

Jared Leto...that name rings a bell. A very big bell.

After the movie was finished I went to bed. It had been a boring day and all I could think about was that blonde guy in that movie. I knew that man. I must have just seen him in the street or something, that's the beauty of living in Los Angeles. You see a new celebrity nearly every day.

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