It's Me Again, Folks!

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When we walked inside we were greeted by many people like Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep and Olivia Wilde. They were all so nice considering they were the ones nominated for an award. Shannon thankfully found our seats and lead is to them. Sitting on the seats was a piece of card with our names on it and a portrait of us all. I was sitting smack bang in the middle if Shannon and Jared.

"Where's Emma sitting?" I asked Jared who searched the theatre.

"I don't know but hey Shannon, theres Tomo!" Jared pointed behind me. I turned my head around to see a scruffy man in a tux waving frantically at us. He was smiling greatly and seemed like a fun guy. I waved back and smiled.

"Who was that?" I whispered to Shannon who was laughing at him.

"That's Tomo. He's a good friend of ours." Shannon informed me and in nodded in understanding.

We sat down and chatted for a while until Jared nudged me and whispered sternly.

"There he is..."

I slowly and swiftly tilted my head around to see Hugh Meener taking a seat up in the Gods. I sighed when i noticed him, thankfully he didn't notice me. Jared held my hand tight.

"Don't worry Miss Ellis, you will do fine." He smiled and tightened my grip on his hand.

"What is with the 'Miss Ellis' Jared?" I joked to him.

"I dunno, I've always called you that..."

"Just call me Serena, its easier." I gleamed.

"Ok...You look beautiful Serena." He said then the lights and music came on to show the ceremony was starting. I got butterflies as he said it and his grip tightened too.

The group (Jared and Emma) decided that it would be good if I presented an award so Hugh could see me more. I was to present the best foreign movie. But what they didn't know was that I had a few tricks up my sleeve. Emma appeared from beside the stage and signalled me to come backstage and get ready to present. I got up slyly but was soon stopped by a strong grip on my arm.

"Good luck and stick to the cards." He whispered and kissed my hand. I smiled at him and moved on.

Backstage I was met by a large crew consisting of many professions; sound, lighting, props and many more. I politely greeted them and Emma appeared once again.

"Ok. Remember stand up straight, stick to your cards and smile." She ordered fixing my dress and hair.

"Ok mom." I snorted but she seemed like she was in a stressed mood. She gave me a look.

"Ok..." I said blankly and walked over to the side where i could see the whole audience. The actor before was currently reading out nominees for 'Best Score'. I gulped when i saw Jared and Shannon sitting at the front. My eyes nervously travelled up to the Gods and I could see Hugh looking down. He seemed bored. A man interrupted my thoughts and tapped me.

"Your are on in 4...3...2.." He started and before I knew it he gave me a nudge. I had to walk out there. Fuuuuck.

As I strutted out I looked confident but inside I was screaming 'help' I was scared in case I tripped or worse, shit my pants. That would have been a classic youtube moment. Thankfully I made it to the microphone and i smiled out the audience.

"Good evening everyone." I read. The words i had to say were shown above the audience on a huge screen.

"I am very proud to announce the nominees for best foreign movie." I continued until i noticed Hugh scowling at me. He checked his watch and yawned. That made me take one big deep breath and continue. I walked away from the stage which made people stirr.

"Don't panic! Its in the script." I said sarcastically then the crowd laughed. Jared and Shannon on the other hand didn't, they now looked like they were going to have an accident in their pants. I decided I wanted to just travel around the room casually.

"I was thinking that you know when all these actors come up on sage and say the presentation, its boring isn't it? Tell the truth." I joked and people giggled and nodded.

"So I just want to have a walk around and see who I'm in front of."

I smiled as I walked up the aisles and talked about small things as I did so. I noticed a bright purple dress that was basically glowing in the dark.

"Wow!" I yelled and the audience laughed again.

I approached the lady and began to talk to her.

"Your dress is fabulous." I said feeling the fabric ever so slightly.

"Grazie." She giggled and I paused.

"Your Italian?" I asked and she nodded.

I started to speak in a native tongue and she smiled and answered me. The people around me were chuckling again.

"Im sorry!" I motioned them again.

Then I had a thought. This lady should present the award...that's it!

"Would you like to present the award with me?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she turned to the person beside her.

"Yes!...please." She said excitedly.

"Well come on then!" I helped her out of the seat and the crowd cheered as we travelled back up to the stage.

"Now you read that up there." I pointed to the screen and she started.

She spoke very good english yet had a cool accent aswell. I looked over to Shannon and Jared who looked amazed. I winked and returned to the audience. After that we exited offstage and I met Emma again.

"What the hell was that?" She asked angrily.

"I thought I'd do something a little different." I smiled.

"You can go back to your seat now." She spat and I did so before she bit my head off and swallowed it whole.

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