Here You Come Again

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The crowds roared, camera's flashed and the beams of light shown through the place. It was magnificent. It was all very fun and bright at these awards, not like the Oscars were it is all very pristine and elegant. These awards were bursting with excitement and colour. It was a smiley atmosphere too, everywhere you looked people were having a good time.
Kim and I sat down in our seats and the performance started. Our host emerged and he was rather bubbly with everything. At nearly every moment we were laughing or smiling. At the end of the show it was the after-party. The party was just as equally crazy as the show but just a little more toned down. I seen a lot of younger people there exchanging looks at me and smiling. They must have recognised who I was. I suddenly felt a large hand grab my bare shoulder.
"Hey Serena." It said. I recognised the voice. I turned around to see Shannon standing smiling at me.
"Oh hey Shannon!" I smiled and gave him a soft hug. I seen a man emerge from behind Shannon but I couldn't see his face very well. All I could see was that he was tall and lean.
"Hey Serena, there's someone I'd like you to meet..." He started and stepped back to reveal the man behind him. My heart stopped and it felt like it fell to the floor.
"This is Jared, my brother." Shannon stated as we both stared for a moment.
"I think we have met before." Jared smirked. He took my hand and kissed it lightly making me blush.
"Really? From where?" I asked.
"It was about 3 or 4 years ago. We met at a party." Jared informed me but I could help but stare. How the hell could he remember that?!
I knew who he was now. He was the guy that spilled his drink down me at Ellen's birthday party, the night I had my accident. He hadn't aged at all. He was tall, muscular and had a gorgeous face. I remember that smile now, who wouldn't forget that?
"Oh yes! Hello again Jared!" I laughed and pulled my hand away.
"So how have you been?" He asked.
"Surviving." I smiled and he did the same. Shannon awkwardly but in.
"I guess I'll leave you two lovebirds to talk..." Jared made a face to him but I didn't mind what he said. After Shannon had left us alone, it got pretty awkward.
"So uh..." Jared started.
"What brings you to the movie awards then?"
"Well I was invited here...from a friend." He nodded and took a sip from his drink.
"Hey you want one?" He asked motioning his empty champagne glass. I nodded and he held his arm out.
Holy shit-balls! He's holding his arm out for me! Ok act natural Serena! Be graceful!
I gently yet seductively snaked my arm through his which made him smirk to himself and start walking to the bar. He ordered for us and we started talking again.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how have you been? I mean with your accident that happened a while ago." He said sincerely.
"Oh I'm perfectly fine now thank you for asking. It was just a leg injury, nothing life threatening." I smiled and took another drink.
"So where have you been all these years? I haven't seen you do any more movies..." He started again. My eyes started to sting. I hated talking about all of this.
"It's just that the injury was that bad I couldn't get around for a while..." I but my lip to hold back the tears but it was no use, he noticed. I heard him place his glass on the bar and he brought me in for a sincere hug. He started to whisper in my ear.
"It's ok...your ok. Shhh, calm down..." He whispered calmly which made my heart flutter a little.
Oh no, he's going to think I'm a light weight or a wimp. Good job Serena.
"I'm fine." I whimpered and he pulled away but he was still holding onto my arms reassuringly.
"Are you ok now?" He asked me. I looked up into his deep blue eyes. They were such an amazing colour. I nodded and smiled.
"Look I'll tell you what, I'm not doing anything the next couple of days if you want to go out with me?" He said. I smiled mischievously.
"Jared Leto are you asking me what I think your asking me?" When I asked this a smile crept in his face and he threw his head back in laughter.
"Maybe...we will just have to wait and see." He replied handing me a small note before leaving me standing there. I looked down at my hand and unfolded the price of paper. It read:
'Hello, this is Jared's number. Call him if you dare... ;)'
The message made me smile to myself.
"What's that?" Asked Kim.
"Huh? N-nothing... Just something I found in my pocket that's all." I lied.

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