Under The Moon Of Love

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( Youtube Video - Song For Kiss )

We returned to the hotel shortly after our trip and I decided to go and check up on Emma. I went to her room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard a voice yell from behind it and I entered.

I seen Emma sprawled out on her bed with all of her things packed away in her suitcases. I was curious.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked and sat beside her. Her head lifted and she smiled at me.

"Hey Jennifer." She said and let her head fall again.

"Jennifer? Who the hell is Jennifer?" I asked and she sat up.

"Jennifer Lopez. I heard about you strutting your stuff last night girly." She laughed and shook her hips to me.

"Well I had no choice. The party was like a morgue. Besides, Meener is in..." Her eyes widened.

"Your kidding me!" She screamed as I shook my head and smiled.

"Yes! I knew we could do it! We need to get back home asap!" She ordered and junoed off her bed to her suitcases.

"W-what? Already?" I whined and she nodded.

"I'm afraid so Serena. I got a call yesterday from another colleague saying how we should get to work as soon as he agrees."

"Oh ok." I nodded and laid back on the messy bed.

We had only been in Germany for a night and we had to go back tomorrow. When I travelled places we stayed for more than one night. I love this place! I love the view from my room window onto the stunning beach, i love the little town and i love spending time with the guys.

"Will we still be working together when Meener takes over my schedule?" I asked Emma and she shook her head in dismay.

"Im afraid not, but we can still meet up every once in a while! Me, you and the guys!" She smiled and walked into the bathroom.

I felt my stomach drop. That was all I needed now. Not seeing them for a while...i loved hanging with them. Just like how I loved hanging around with Kim and John. I miss them so much.

"What time are we leaving then?" I shouted in to her.

"Um- I'm gonna try and sort out some flights tonight and I'll text you." She answered.

"Ok, well it's good to see your feeling better. I'm just gonna head back to the room and pack my things..see ya." I said and she waved me off.

I went down the elevator and walked along my hallway to notice Hugh Meener talking to Jared at our door. I quickly hid behind a plant and watched the activity. Hugh was pointing at Jared and his face was frowning. Jared seemed pissed. He said something to him before slamming the door on his face. Hugh grunted before storming down the hallway. I came out from my marvellous hiding place and ran to the door. I opened it and Jared was standing looking out the window at the other side of the room. The sound of the door shutting must have given him a fright because he jumped slightly.

"Hey." I said sweetly and he didn't say anything.

"Are you ok?" I asked him moving closer.

"Yeah. Im fine." He said blankly.

I could't hear any emotion in his voice as he answered me and I couldn't see his face either. I walked over slowly and stood beside him. I didn't look at his face, I just focussed on the beach.

"You wanna go for a walk with me?" I asked politely and I seen him nod. I smiled and walked to the door again to hear him following me.

We made it outside and strolled along the beach. The waves were slow and relaxing hitting against the sand. We walked side by side in silence just listening to the crashes of the water. Jared walked stiffly with his hands in his pockets. He looked at the sea before us and didn't turn around.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked.


"I seen Hugh Meener talking to you in the hallway. He seemed pissed about something, what was it?" I continued.

Jared didn't answer for a moment. He looked down to his feet and sighed. I knew something was bothering him.

"It't nothing really, just forget about it." He finally said. I frowned and stopped dead. I watched Jared keep on walking until he noticed I wasn't beside him anymore. When he looked back at me He had hurt in his piercing blue eyes. My heart felt like it dropped to the floor when I seen his face.

"Jared, Whatever he said to you, it must be bothering you. I want to know." I said and he groaned looking around him.

"You can tell me..." I continued moving closer to him until I stood in front of him. He looked down at me and frowned.

"Meener wants something that I don't want that's all." He admitted.

"I don't understand."

"He wants me to work for him...like some kind of butler or somethin." He said angrily and walked on. I ran after him.

"But I though you knew him...I thought you guys were kinda...friends." When I said this Jared stopped and turned to me pointing his finger to the hotel up the hill.

"HE IS NOT MY FRIEND!" He yelled at me.

"Jared, I'm confused...what is this all about?" I moaned and sat down. Jared came over and sat beside me and sighed greatly.

"He's not my friend..." He repeated again and I seen his shoulders tremble at the corner of my eye. I tilted my head to see his eyes watering as he looked out into the ocean.

"Jared?" I said softly and pulled him in for a heartfelt hug.

He buried his face into my chest and hugged me so tightly I felt like crying myself but I had to be strong for him. I felt his tears trickle down me and I rested my head on top of his. I always though Jared was a strong person, but this shows you that even the strong can feel and seem weak. When Jared had calmed down he lifted his head up and chuckled.

"Im sorry..."he said and wiped his eyes.

"Its ok Jared...it's better than getting champagne spilled over my boobs for sure." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He asked seriously.

"Remember when you spilled your drink over my boobs?" I smirked and looked into his eyes again.

We both stared at each other and I notice Jared's eyes wander from mine to my lips. I felt his hand slither over mine and hold it gently. He looked at it then back up at my eyes. Then he kissed me.

Holy shit!

His lips against mine felt like a surge of energy racing through me. It was like a shot of pure euphoria running through my veins. No man has had this effect on me before. I felt his other hand snake up my leg and stop at my thigh which made me shudder. I pressed my left hand on his face and the other I wrapped around his neck to help me keep my balance from all my hormones going nuts. He finally slowed down his pace and rested his head against mine which made our noses touch gently. His lustful eyes looked at me and he whispered.

"And I'm glad I spilled my drink over your boobs." He said seductively. My heart stopped, I couldn't believe he remembered the exact words from that night we met. Holy shit...

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