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After we ordered our drinks we began talking. There was a lot of intense eye contact and flirtatious hand movements...all mostly from me to be honest.

"So let's talk business." Jared started clapping his hands together.

"I'm sorry?" I said confused. He laughed.

"I though we were here to talk business?" My smile disappeared.

"Well, yeah we are I suppose..." I said flatly.

I can't believe it, this is a business meeting. A fucking business talk about business. I am such an idiot thinking that this was a date. Or he was the idiot! He made me think that this was going to be a romantic evening and then he comes out with 'business'?! Mother of god.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I looked up to him and smiled a fake one.

"I'm grand Jared. Let's get down to business shall we?" I snapped. He nodded and brought out a book and some notes.

"What are these?" I asked opening a book which was filled with pictures of many people and names written beside them.

"Oh, they are different business partners I have worked with in the past." He answered.

"So you are wanting back in the business?" He said. I drawn my eyes away from the book and nodded to him.

"Well I am technically in the business still but I can't get any roles at the moment, not with my injury..."

"That won't be a problem, I have a friend, Emma, who will give you a talk tomorrow. The best thing to do is-"

"Take our time and wait for a role to come along when the time is right?" I cut him off.

"No, get one as fast as we can. There are a lot of characters out there that will suit you perfectly but remember some divas are on the hunt too." He said reassuringly.

"Have you ever met Hugh Meener?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, he's friends with Morgan Freeman and Christoph Waltz...I seen him at a party once."

"Hugh is one of the most successful producers and agents is Hollywood. I could make a call with him and arrange a date to meet up."

"Would you do that? F-for me?" I stuttered.

"Of coarse, I know you have talent. I have seen your work and how you morph into a character. I think your amazing..." He said. I smiled to myself to try and take myself from blushing again.


"Cheers to what?" He asked.

"Cheers to being future business partners!" I chuckled and he did the same.

"That sounds good. Cheers." Jared repeated and we clinked our drinks together.

"So I'll let Emma know that you agree to having a chat and we can leave."

After we finished our drinks we agreed to leave and call a cab. While we were waiting it was pretty awkward. We both stood and kind of stared into the distance. A few minutes past and a taxi pulled up in front of us. The driver popped his head out and shouted.


"That's me." I said back and he waited. I turned around to face Jared and he smiled.

"I guess I'll see you later Miss Ellis." He said awkwardly hugging me.

"I guess so Mr Leto." I answered and he smirked again.

I did the same and quickly entered the car.

"Where to?" The driver asked groggily.

"Wonder View Drive please." I said and looked out the window again. Jared's taxi pulled up ahead and he got inside quickly. I sighed to myself and the taxi drove on.

Hollywood's LadderWhere stories live. Discover now