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For some people, money was really the only thing that kept their world spinning.

For a young inherited billionaire, Granger King, this was most definitely not the case.

Of course, money was always a nice luxury to have on hand and to fall back on if ever in a dire situation. Granger had the ability to buy whatever he wanted, and get things whenever he wanted them.

But being so spoiled and entitled came with a heavy price. The heavy price of high expectations that you could never live up to and the boring life of being apart of the business. And there was a certain point when you just wanted more, all materialistic things aside because they no longer mattered.

You come to the realization that there are bigger and better things in life where no money can buy genuinity. Where no money can buy the company or the companionship that comes with it. Money can't buy love.

And Granger had a huge hole in his heart. Growing up as the youngest boy of the King family was never an easy feat. Everyone looked down on you, wanted you to exceed your brothers' and sister's successes, and take your own part in the family business.

But his brothers and his sisters were truly miserable people. Too miserable to let their younger brother live happily the way that he wanted to. They were all just like their father. And Granger wanted nothing more than to break that cycle.

Granger wanted to find love of his own accord. He wanted to marry someone that he wanted to spend his life with, Not because it was arranged or because his father thought that marrying off his kids to his business partner's was the best thing for the company.

Having such a wealthy family had its ups and downs, the cons always manage to outweigh the pros. You could go just about anywhere, but you weren't allowed to do what you wanted. You could buy anything that you wanted, but there was never enough privacy that came with that kind of life.

At the very least, Granger had it relatively easy. He had plenty of older siblings and his father knew many men well groomed to take over his company if he ever needed them to. So Granger never had to worry about one day taking over the company because that was already well settled for him.

So that meant he was never all that important in his family's eyes. He was just the kid that everyone always managed to forget as he was growing up. Not even his own mother batted her expensive lash extensions at him, leaving him to be raised by the maids and wet nurses.

They never cared if he was mistreated or even bothered to check on him if they were away on business, only calling to scold him for leaving the house if he ever managed to get in the tabloids.

The only other human interaction the boy had growing up was when he was being privately tutored at home by his stuck up, prestigious tutor.

Granger had the brains of a man with his Master's degree, the looks and body of a proper model, and a charming smile that anyone would want to bend over for.

But despite his academics and charm, he had the mentality of a child. A child who never had proper love, family, general socialization. He was terribly lonely, angry, and afraid.

Growing up with maids trying to throw themselves at your feet, only for them to soon be fired. Grown women spending their days unsuccessfully attempting to seduce a young boy. It was tiring, never having any stability in your life.

But Granger didn't want the money. He wanted experiences. He wanted to learn things on his own. He was tired of being swayed by everyone else's words. He wanted to form his own connections. His own opinions.

He didn't want to party, or go to stupid meetings. He just wanted to meet people on his own, make friends, create bonds.

He wanted himself to be happy.


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