Chapter Twelve:Runaway Nora

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*Four weeks later*

Nora's POV:
Mommy and daddy are making me sit in the living room because they want to talk to me about something. Kyle thinks that I'm in trouble. Only I didn't do nothing bad. So how can I be in trouble?

Nora: Am I in trouble?

Barry: No. You're not in trouble.

Nora: Told ya!

Barry: (confused) Told me what?

Iris: Not you honey. She's talking to Kyle.

Barry: Oh right. Hi Kyle.

Iris: Anyway. Nora daddy and I have something we want to tell you.

Nora: Okay.

Iris: You tell her.

Barry's POV:
Why am I so nervous to tell my five year old that she's gonna be a big sister? I wasn't this nervous when I had to tell my dad about Iris being pregnant when we were seventeen.

Barry: Nora mommy's pregnant.

Nora: Like Auntie Caitlin?

Iris: Yes, but Auntie Caitlin is having one baby and mommy is having three babies.

Nora: (shocked) Why?

Barry: Because that's how many babies are in mommy's belly.

Iris: That means you're gonna be a big sister.

Nora: (annoyed) But I don't wanna be a big sister.

Iris and I just look at each other in shock. This is not the reaction we were looking for.

Barry: (confused) You don't want little brothers or sisters or both brothers and sisters?

Nora: (annoyed) No.

Iris: (deep sigh) Well sweetie there's really nothing we can do about that. Mommy's having these babies and you're gonna be a big sister. Like it or not.

Nora: (mad) NOT!

Iris: That's just too bad.


Nora runs up the stairs and a few seconds later we hear her room door slam.

Barry: Well that went great.

Iris: She'll be okay. I mean she has no choice but to be.

Barry: Right.

Iris' POV:
It's been a few hours since we told Nora about the babies. She didn't speak to us once during dinner and she wanted to go right to bed after. I'm lying in bed and Barry just went in to check on her.

I'm now fourteen weeks pregnant and I've been put on bed rest. Yayyyy so much fun. I've been on bed rest for three weeks now and I think I'm starting to get on everyone's nerves. Hell I'm getting on my own damn nerves. Barry comes in the room and climbs in bed.

Iris: How is she?

Barry: Still mad, but like you said she'll be okay.

Barry shuts off the light and we both quickly fall asleep.

*2:00 am*

Nora's POV:
Mommy and daddy are so mean. Why do they get to say if I will be a big sister? I don't wanna be a big sister and I'm not gonna.

Nora: Hey Kyle.

Kyle: (groggy) Yes Nora.

Nora: I'm gonna runaway.

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