Chapter Sixteen:I Will Take My Last Breath

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Iris' POV:
Singh is getting ready to question Nora about what happened to her while she was gone. A part of me wants to know, but a part of me doesn't want to know. However when it boils down to it I need to know what happened to her.

Singh: (sad) Is it okay if I record this?

Iris: (sad) It's okay, but I would feel better if my mom were in here.

Singh: She's your lawyer I understand.

Barry: (sad) Why don't you go get your mom while I help Singh set up his camera?

Iris: (sad) Nora mommy will be right back okay.

Nora: (groggy) Okay.

I leave Nora's room and go to the family waiting room. When I get in there I see that Cisco Parker and Wally made it here.

Joe: (concerned) How is she?

Iris: (sad) Hurt. She was beaten pretty badly and she's afraid that Patty is gonma come take her away again.

Caitlin: (sad) Poor baby.

Iris: (sad) Singh is about to ask her some questions. Mom will you sit in?

Cecile: (sad) Sure.

Iris: (sad) Once Singh is done I will come get you guy's so that you can see her before she gets her pain medicine.

With that said my mom and I leave the waiting room and go back to Nora's room.


Barry's POV:
Iris and her mom comes in the room just as Singh and I are finishing setting up the camera.

Nora: (groggy/excited) Mama Cecile!

Cecile: (sad/excited) Hi sweetie.

Cecile walks over and hugs Nora. You could easily tell that she was trying hard to fight back the tears that formed the moment she laid eyes on Nora. When they pull out of the embrace Cecile rubs Nora's hair softly.

Cecile: (sad) Are you ready to answer some questions honey?

Nora: (groggy) Yes ma'am.

Singh turns on the camera and begins his questioning.

Singh: Nora did you runaway from home?

Nora: (groggy) Yes.

Singh: Can you tell me why?

Nora: (groggy) Because I didn't wanna be a big sister.

Singh: Can you tell me where you went when you ran away?

Nora: (groggy) To the park.

Singh: Do you remember which park?

Nora: (groggy) The park by daddy's work place.

Singh: What work place is that?

Nora: (groggy) The police station.

Nora is doing good. I'm so proud of how brave she's being right now.

Singh: Can you tell me what happened while you were at the park?

Nora: (groggy) I sat down on my favorite slide for a little bit, but then I got scared so I put my head down and cried. Ms. Patty tap my arm and ask me why I was at the park by myself so late...

Singh: Then what happened?

Nora: (groggy) I told her I runaway, but now I'm scared and I want my mommy. She say she will take me home to mommy. Only she didn't take me home she bringed me to a weird scary place.

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