Chapter Twenty:Happy Endings

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Barry's POV:
It's been a month since everything happened. Iris and I have been going good. We're happier now than we've ever been. The triplets are now three months old and they just bring so much joy and so much life into our home. Nora is slowly but surely returning to her old self. She's smiling and playing more. She still has nightmares, but not as often and they're not as bad as they were before. She's not afraid to be away from me and Iris anymore which is major progress.

Work is going great for everyone. I've decided to leave CCPD to work at STAR Labs full time. Cisco, Caitlin and I are working on projects that requires all of our full time attention. That left Parker in the position of Director of the CSI department. Iris finally launched her online magazine and it is doing extremely well. Wally just opened another engineering firm in Coast City. Francine and Singh are engaged to be married and Singh is going to be running for mayor soon with Joe as his campaign manager. Cecile finally retired as D.A. she says she's much happier as a stay at home grandmother. She and Francine make one hell of a team when it comes to being both mother's and grandmother's. Who would of thought.

As you can see Everyone is happy. We've gone through some pretty rough times, but together we made it through as a family and when all is said and done family is the key to true happiness.

A/N: * Thank you all so much for reading. I truly appreciate all the love and support. I hope you all enjoyed the journey. Until next time my dear Peaches... *

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