Chapter Fifteen:Nora's Room

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A/N: * We're gonna do something different this chapter and kick things off from Caitlin's POV. Enjoy. *

Caitlin's POV:
It's been four hours since Iris had her melt down and locked herself in Nora's room. Barry and all three of her parents are up there trying to get her to come out and talk. It breaks my heart knowing that Barry and Iris' world is crumbling down around them. I wish that I could take their pain away.

Everyone was feeling so helpless so Parker and Wally decided to go to CCPD and talk to Captain Singh and see if he has any new leads. Cisco decided to drive around again in hopes that he'd find something somewhere that we or the cops could have missed.

*Five hours later*

Wally and Parker decided to join Cisco's search. Barry and the West are still trying to get Iris out of Nora's room. I'm just about to go up and see if I could help when Iris' phone buzzes. There's no contact name, but I'm pretty sure it's the hospital. I wasn't going to answer, but for some reason I pick it up and answer.

Caitlin: Hello.

Nora: (groggy) Mommy?

Oh my God it's Nora. It's really Nora. Tears instantly fall down my face at the sound of her voice.

Caitlin: (crying/shocked) Nora?

Nora: (groggy) Auntie Caitlin I'm scared. I'm at the hospital and I want my mommy and daddy.

Caitlin: (crying) Hold on sweetie I'm gonna get them. Stay on the phone okay.

Nora: (groggy) Okay.

I go over to the stairs and climb them pretty fast for a woman who is twenty-nine weeks pregnant. I quickly rush over to Nora's room.

Caitlin: (crying) Guy's it's Nora.

Everyone turns and looks at me and I hand Barry the phone.

Barry: (shocked) Nora?

Nora: (groggy) Daddy where are you I'm scared.

Barry: (crying) Don't be scared baby. Mommy and daddy are coming.

Francine bangs on the room door.

Francine: (crying) Iris open up. Nora's on the phone.

Within seconds the room door is flung open and Iris rushes out.

Barry: (crying) Here's mommy.

Barry hands Iris the phone.

Iris: (crying) Nora honey?

Nora: (groggy/scared) Mommy please come get me fast before Ms. Patty come back and take me away again. Mommy please.

Iris: (crying) We're coming baby.


Iris' POV:
We all rush into the hospital. We find out what room Nora's in and get on the elevator. I swear it seems like the longest elevator ride ever. When we step off the elevator Nora's room is right across the hall. There are two uniformed cops guarding her door.

We rush over and they let us right in. Everyone is eager to see Nora, but they thought it be best if Barry and I went in alone for a while. We go in the room and Singh is standing by Nora's bed holding her hand.

Nora: (groggy/excited) Mommy daddy!

Barry and I rush over to Nora and hug her at the same time. My baby's back in my arms. I can breath again. A month and a half of pain finally lifted the moment I wrapped my arms around my little girl.

It isn't until Nora cries out in pain that we pull out of the embrace. I look at all the bruises and cuts on my baby's face and all the bandages wrapped around different parts of her body and my heart breaks again. What did that monster do to my child?

Singh: I'll get the doctor so she can talk to you and I know it's a bit soon, but I really need to talk to Nora once the doctor is done.

Iris: (crying) Sure.

Singh leaves to get the doctor. I just can't stop staring at her. My baby is right in front of me after six heartbreaking weeks.

Nora: (groggy/scared) Please don't let Ms. Patty take me again. Please.

Barry: (crying) No one is gonna take you away ever again.

Iris: (crying) Please don't ever runaway like that again.

Nora: (groggy/crying) I'm sorry mommy.

I pull her into a hug softly so that I don't cause her more pain and discomfort.

Iris: (crying) It's okay. Just don't do it again.

Nora: (groggy/crying) I won't. I promise.

I reach over to the other side of the bed and take Barry's hand and he squeezes my hand firmly. The doctor comes in and Barry and I walk over to the other side of the room to talk to her.

Dr. Rush: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Allen. I'm Dr. Rush.

Barry: (sad) Nice to meet you.

Dr. Rush: Nora endured a lot. She has a concussion, four broken ribs and a hairline fracture in her left wrist. Then there's all the bruises. The bruising and cuts on her face are from being either slapped and/or punched repeatedly. I'm sure the bruises around her ribcage are from being kicked repeatedly, but there are other bruises on her body that are unlike any I have ever seen before and I'm not sure what caused them.

She gestures for Barry and I to follow her to the bed. She lifts Nora's gown and shows us the bruises on Nora's front and back.

Iris: (shocked) Oh my God!

Dr. Rush: She hadn't eaten in weeks and she was extremely dehydrated. It took us a while, but we were finally able to start an IV and get the fluids running. She's in a lot of pain, but I couldn't give her anything for it without parental consent. Now that you're here if you want I can go ahead and have the nurse bring in some pain medicine and get her as comfortable as possible.

Barry: (sad) I'm okay with it if you are. I mean I don't want her lying here in pain.

Iris: (sad) She can have it.

Dr. Rush: The medicine will make her more groggy and tired, but we'll be monitoring her.

Iris: (sad) Okay.

Dr. Rush: She's going to be getting morphine. It's really strong so she'll only get it every six hours. Do you have any questions?

Iris: (sad) I don't. Not right now at least.

Barry: (sad) No.

Dr. Rush: I'll have the nurse bring in the consent forms and the medicine as soon as CCPD are done.

Iris: (sad) Thak you

Barry: (sad) Yes thank you.

Dr. Rush leaves and a few minutes later Singh comes in.

Singh: (sad) Hey. Is it okay if I speak with her now?

Barry: (sad) Yea.

Singh comes over and stands on the side of the bed opposite Barry and I.

Sing: (sad) Nora I need to ask you some questions. Is that okay?

Nora: (groggy) Yes.

To Be Continued...

A/N: *Until next time my dear Peaches... *

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