Chapter Eighteen:A Taste of Your Own Medicine (Day One)

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Iris' POV:
Today is the day. We're going to Keystone to give Patty exactly what she deserves. The girls and I sold the hell out of that fake story about chemicals in the water. Everyone bought right from the start. I kind of feel bad for lying to Barry. I also feel bad for leaving him with four kids, but my parents and Wally promised to help him out. I told him that I'd only be gone for a couple of days. Which is the only truthful thing I told him. I will only be gone for a couple of days because that's all I need to give Patty hell and turn her in to the cops.

Caitlin cooked up this potion I guess you can call it at STAR Labs that we're going to give Patty so that when we're done with her she won't remember it was us. Not that I care if she remembers. I plan on telling Barry everything when I get back anyway and I'm ready to face any consequences that awaits me. We make it to the motel and join Cynthia in her car.

Cynthia: She's in room 2A. She hasn't left in a couple of days. I'm ready whenever you ladies are.


Parker's POV:
We get out of the car and go right up to Patty's room door. We hear a door close inside the room so we assume she went into the bathroom. Cynthia takes out some small tools and picks the lock in a matter of seconds. This definitely isn't her first rodeo. 

We quietly enter the room. Turns out Patty was in the bathroom. She's taking a shower. Iris and I go right into the bathroom. Iris pulls back the shower curtain and punches her right in the face causing her to hit the tub floor. Patty never saw it coming.


We drag Patty's unconscious body out of the bathroom. We dress her then take her to the car and drive her to an abandoned warehouse. Once we get her all chained up Caitlin throws water on her to wake her up.

Patty: (confused/scared) Where am I?

We step out of the shadows and stand side by side in front of her. Each one of us filled with hatred and rage, but none of us more than Iris.

Iris: (pissed) You're in hell bitch.

Patty: (confused) How'd you find me?

Iris: (pissed) It doesn't even matter.

With that said Cynthia rolls out a big ass water hose that looks like only firefighters would have access to. I don't even wanna know where she got that from.

Iris: (pissed) Why'd you take my daughter?

Patty: Go to hell.

Cynthia: Wrong answer

Cynthia pulls the handle back on the hose and extremely high pressured water sprays out hitting Patty all over her body. She screams out in pain. After about a minute Cynthia stops the water and Iris walks over and stands in Patty's face.

Iris: (pissed) Why'd you take my daughter?

Patty: It's gonna take more than that to break me.

Caitlin: (pissed) Is that right?

Caitlin walks over to one of the bags we brought and pulls out a long whip. Iris steps out of the way and Caitlin swings the whip hitting Patty's soaking wet legs. Patty screams a very anguish scream. Caitlin hit her a few more times before Iris stood back in front of Patty.

Iris: (pissed) We're just getting started.

Patty has blood dripping from different parts of her body from where the whip hit her.


Cynthia's POV:
I have to admit I'm having more fun than I probably should be, but hey this bitch deserve everything she's getting and then some.


Iris kicks Patty right in her rib cage. Patty groans with pain.


Patty: (laughs) You call that a kick?

We all look at each other and each of us began kicking her in different areas on her upper body. We do so for about ten minutes. When we stop tears are rolling down her face. Everyone, but Parker walks out of Patty's line of sight. After about a minute or two Parker frees her from her chains and Patty falls to the floor.

Parker: Look I didn't wanna do this. I told them to let the cops handle this. They're gone to get food and I don't know how long they'll be gone. Which means you don't have that much time to get the hell out of here.

Patty: (weak/confused) You're letting me go?

Parker: Yes. I told you I don't want anything to do with this. Now get the hell out of here before they get back.

Patty musters up some strength to pull herself up from the ground. With a limp she slowly runs across the room towards the exit. When she's in the center of the room Iris sprays her with the hose knocking her to the floor. When Iris stops the water Caitlin cracks her with the whip a few times. Parker and I drag her back to her original spot and chain her up again.

Parker: (laughing) You dumb bitch. I can't believe you actually thought I was going to let you get away. Is that what you did to my niece, gave her hope and then snatched it away?

Iris: This is a lot of fun ladies, but lets save some for tomorrow.

I gag Patty's mouth while Iris and Parker wrap and lock more chains around her as an extra precaution making sure she definitely can't move. Even though she for sure can't get away Caitlin still gives her a tranquilizer to knock her out for the rest of the night. Once she's out cold we shut the light's out and leave for the night.

A/N: * Let me know how you're feeling about the revenge Iris and crew are getting on Patty in the comments. Is it too much, are you for it or against it? Until next time my dear Peaches... *

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