Chapter One:Bad News

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Iris' POV:
Today was a long hectic day for me, but I'm okay with that because I love what I do. Nora is staying at her Grandpa Henry's house tonight so it's just Barry and I. We just finished dinner and now we're sitting on the couch talking.

Barry: Nora's turning five soon. Can you believe it?

Iris: Yes I can believe it. What I can't believe is that she wants a carnival in our backyard.

Barry: (laughs) Complete with rides, games, petting zoo, bounce house and all the carnival food you can eat...That actually sounds really fun.

Iris: Yea everything except the petting zoo. That's a big fat NO!

Barry: (shocked) Why no petting zoo?

Iris: I don't want farm animals in my backyard. Sorry.

Barry looks at me pouting his lips.

Iris: (giggles) You can pout all you want Bartholomew, but the petting zoo is not happening.

Barry: But Nora and I will be sad if there's no petting zoo.

Iris: You both will get over it.

Before Barry had a chance to protest any further there's a knock on the door. When I get to the door and open it there's an officer that I know standing there. The look on his face says bad news. Before he says anything I call Barry over to the door.

Iris: (confused) What's going on?

Officer: (sad) There was a murder. I need you both to come down to the station.

When we walk into the station our daughter is sitting at one of the officers desk with a blanket around her. She looks so afraid. Barry and I run over to her. She jumps into our arms and holds on for dear life. Captain Singh ask us to step into his office. We go in and sit across from him. Barry doesn't waste any time. He gets straight to the point.

Barry: (scared) Captain Singh is my father dead?

Captain Singh hangs his head for a second then looks back at us.

Singh: (sad) Yes. There was a break in gone wrong. There was a struggle and your father was shot several times. Nora saw the entire thing from under the dining room table where she was hiding. When the burglar left she called 911 and said a man had hurt her grandpa. We got there as fast as we could, but it was too late. I'm sorry Barry.

Barry is broken, but he's too in shock to show it. Right now he's just silently displaying how angry he is.

Iris: (crying) Has Nora said anything?

Singh: (sad) No. She wouldn't talk to us.

I look over at Barry. I can tell he doesn't know what to say.

Iris: (crying) I'll go talk to her.

I leave Singh's office and sit next to Nora. I pick her up and put her on my lap.

Iris: (sad) Nora sweetie can you tell mommy what happened at Grandpa Henry's house?

Nora: (sad) No

Iris: (sad) Why not?

Nora: (sad) He told me not to.

Iris: (concerned) Who told you not to tell Nora?

Nora: (crying) The man who hurt grandpa. If I tell he will hurt me like he hurt grandpa.

Iris: (crying) Nora no one is ever going to hurt you. I promise daddy and mommy will keep you safe, but I need you to tell me what you saw at grandpa's house.

Nora starts to tell me, but something stops her. She gets scared and refuses to talk anymore. I can't force her to talk so I just hold her. When Barry's done talking to Captain Singh we take Nora home and I put her to bed.

Iris: Mommy and daddy will be right downstairs if you need us okay.

She shakes her head then sits up and looks me right in the eyes.

Nora: (sad) Mommy?

Iris: Yes honey?

Nora: (sad) Tomorrow can we go to grandpa Henry house to see if he is feeling better?

That question broke my heart, but before I could answer her Barry walks in and sits across from me so that he's on the other side of Nora.

Barry: (sad) We'll talk about grandpa in the morning. Now you try and get some sleep okay.

Nora: (sad) Okay.

After saying goodnight to Nora Barry and I go downstairs.

Barry: (sad) I'm gonna go for a drive.

Iris: Okay.

Barry: I love you.

Iris: I love you.

He kiss me on the forehead and leaves. It's been six years and the words "I'm gonna go for a drive" is still code for our secret spot. Yes we both still go there when we need to clear our heads and yes it's still our little secret. I go back upstairs and check on Nora then I head to bed myself.

A/N: * Sorry to kick the story off that way, but it's the setup to a very interesting storyline later in the story. Despite the sadness I hope you enjoyed chapter one. Until next time my dear Peaches... *

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