Chapter Eleven: Happy Anniversary

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Iris' POV:
Today is mine and Barry's anniversary. We're getting ready for dinner with my mom, dad, Wally, Parker, Caitlin and Cisco. I'm nervous as hell because I'm gonna tell Barry about my pregnancy tonight. He's in for the shock of a lifetime. I'm damn sure of it.

*Flashback (day before)*

Caitlin: (shocked) Oh!

Iris: (worried) OH WHAT?!

Caitlin turns the screen and I'LL BE DAMNED!

Iris: (shocked) Caitlin please tell me this is another one of your jokes.

Caitlin: Unhuh. This is real life sweetie.

I look back at the screen still in complete shock. I can't believe what the hell it is I'm looking at. I'm literally at a loss for words.

There are three damn babies on that screen. I just stare not knowing what to say. Then it hits me. There were only two heartbeats.

Iris: (worried/panicked) Caitlin there were only two heartbeats. Why were there only two heartbeats?!

Caitlin: Relax Iris. The two are so close together that their heartbeats are in sync and beating as one. The two are also in the same sac which means they're identical and this one is in it's own sac which means it will be fraternal, but you're having triplets nonetheless.

I'm still in shock I don't know what to say.

Caitlin: You're exactly ten weeks today and your due date is September 10th... Wait wasn't that your due date for Nora? Oh no it was September 4th right?

Iris: No. She was born on September 4th, but my due date was September 7th.

Caitlin: Big diff.

Iris: This is crazy.

Caitlin: Yea it is. Everytime you go to Big Bear you're gonna come home pregnant huh?

Iris: (giggles) Shut up.

Caitlin: I'm just saying. There's something about that room. It has baby making all over it.

Caitlin prints the picture while I clean myself up. We go into her office to talk.

Iris: Well at least I'm not doing this whole pregnancy thing alone this time.

I rub Caitlin's now very visible baby bump.

Caitlin: Yea, but as a doctor it is my duty to inform you that with multiples there is a chance of you going into premature labor. You have to be very careful Iris.

Iris: I know and I will... By the way I never told you how happy I am that you found out Cisco was the father. Congrats.

Caitlin: Thank you.

I hand Caitlin the ultrasound picture.

Iris: Can you hold on to this until dinner tomorrow? That's when I'm gonna surprise Barry.

Caitlin: (exicited) Ooo let's go buy a cute frme to put it in and a nice gift box.

Iris: That's a good idea.

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