tj| iv: clouds n raindrops

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it's currently a friday night and i'm sat in my room playing video games with reed and lester. amber decided to sleep over at iris' house and dads out doing whatever.

"wanna hit?" i pause the game me and lester playing and turn around, only to see lester taking a joint off reed.

"seriously dude? you came here just so you could get high?"

"yeah, better than watching you lose. oh where's your little gay buddy?" reed smirked as lester awkwardly tried to light his joint before smoking it.

"who're you on about?"

"cyrus... obviously." he just laughed. "i don't get why you hang out with him, we're your best friends right, he's been here for all of five minutes and you suddenly hang out all the time ditching us."

"yeah? well maybe he's nicer company that you reed. so what if cyrus is gay? that doesn't do any harm to anyone, it doesn't matter who he likes, he's not the only person out there who might like someone of the same sex, and even so he might not be gay."

"why d'ya invite us here then? and nah it's cool if he likes boys n shit, i'm not homophobic or anything, just you seem to be awfully attached and we wouldn't want people thinking you liked him would we?"

"fuck off reed. stop getting high in my room and fuck off out of this house."

"you're no one without us." lester finally speaks up.

"oh my god you do like him don't you." reed smirks.

"no i don't!"

"prove it. if you wanna stay at the top, and stop rumours about you... liking cyrus, start speaking with that hot cheerleader that's been trying to get with you for weeks."

"okay fine, if that's what it takes."

i sit back on the floor and close my eyes.


so here i am, sitting in the school cafeteria, across from my dicks for friends, surrounded by the cheerleaders, the lead practically on my lap.

"tj? babe? please could you get me a muffin?" she bats her eyelashes at me. i sigh and look st her.

"have mine, i don't want it..."

"thanks babe, you're the best." she kisses me on the cheek before turning to face reed - starting a conversation. my phone beeps, so i take it out. "who is it?" kara jumps at me quickly.

"just cyrus, i'll be back in a minute..."


pls could u get me a muffin? i'm not feeling up to it and i wanna see u :(

i smile at the text as i walk up to the food court and pay for a muffin. i pout my lips annoyed, at reed before walking over to cyrus. surprisingly, his friends weren't with him. "where's buffy and the others?"

"they're all busy..." i could sense his sadness, so i say the first dumbest thug that came to mind; come sit with me. why would i do that to him? "a-are you sure?" i nod my head and he grabs his bag. i sit down and he sits on the spare seat next to me, before starting to eat his muffin.

"does buffy look like she's gonna ease up on me anytime soon?"

"um- actually they seem to be pretty cool with you at the moment." cyrus smiles his adorable smile-

"tj? are you not gonna spend time with your girlfriend?" my eyes widen, crap, cyrus doesn't know about this - whatever this is. my head snaps towards cyrus and i shake my head and mouth a 'sorry' before forcing a smile out l.

"yeah sorry..."

"you bought that muffin for him? why didn't you buy me a muffin?" i roll my eyes slightly.

"i gave you mine." she just scoffs before leaving the table with her clique.

"you gave her yours? so you haven't had a muffin? that's, that's outrageous! here, have some of mine." cyrus offered out his muffin giving me a small smile, i gladly take some and return the smile. "i'm gonna go find andi, i um- i realised we have a project that i know nothing about so i'll message you... bye teej!"

"dude!" i watch cyrus walk out of the cafeteria before scratching my neck.

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