cyrus| v: a rose

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a rose. one simple rose was taped to cyrus' locker. he didn't know who had put it there, but what he did know, was that it put a smile on his face, and a blush on his cheeks.

you see, cyrus was having a shitty day. he wanted to get to school earlier to talk to tj, but both of his parents had already left for work, therefore he had to get the bus. which he missed. when he finally got on the bus, tj was no where to be seen. when cyrus reached his school (all the kids pushing him aside) andi and buffy weren't particularly involving him into the conversation, which left him with his thoughts. his stomach rumbled, and he realised he forgot to grab breakfast, and to make his day worse, he had no money on his persons, which meant no breakfast and no lunch.

therefore, seeing this beautiful red rose, taped to his locker, made it seem like his day was going to get better and gave him hope. he peeled it gently off his locker and twiddled it in between his fingers, before grabbing his history textbook and placing the rose into his locker.


lunch rolled around and he was sat in between amber and walker, with buffy, jonah and marty in front of him and andi next to walker. "where's your food cy-guy?" jonah asks.

"i didn't have any money with me today." jonah offers me a pitiful smile as he hands me his apple.

once i give my gratitude, i look to my right and see tj with reed, lester and his girlfriend - who was actually flirting with reed. he looked sad, like he had a lot on his mind.

"rus? cyrus?" i snap out of my daze and focus my attention on the GHC. "how's everything with tj?"

"he has a girlfriend." i couldn't help myself. i don't know why but a familiar sadness fell over me, my mood dropping.

"yeah, the head cheerleader, although she is all over reed." buffy states, everyone nodding their heads.

"we asked how things were between you two, not about his girlfriend." andi states.

"great." i deadpan. i can't help it. if i crack, i cry. i decide to change the subject, since everyone was finally paying me attention. "i found a rose taped to my locker this morning."

"wait really?"
"oooh a secret admirer?"
"do you know who it was off."
"that's dope!"

i look over at jonah and see him look away, slightly frustrated, i should ask him what that was about.

"i have no idea, but it made me smile. a lot. it was so cute and romantic." buffy looks at me, a soft tone on her face. the lunch bell rings and we all stand up to the bin. "i'll see you guys at the spoon later?" they all nod and we all walk our separate ways, jonah walking with me since we both had english together. "jonah?" he says nothing but looks over at me. "when i brought up the rose, what was that look about?"

"oh, you saw that? look, i just don't want you to get hurt, you're one of my best friends and i care about you." i smile slightly, cursing to myself for jumping to conclusions, about jonah leaving the rose.

"thank you, it means a lot, especially coming from you."

"docious magotious!" we enter the class and get on with the lesson.


we're at the spoon, squished into a booth, amber couldn't be with us since she was working. i look a sip on my chocolate milkshake, and that's when the bell to the diner chimed. that is when a tall blonde, came up to our booth and sat right in front of me.

i look up (my mouth still attached to the straw) and my eyes meet his. there's something bothering him, i can tell. his eyes aren't sparking like they do whenever i see him. he seems almost hurt. "c-can we talk?" he shifts his gaze to the floor. this instantly puzzles me and i agree.

the walk to the swings is painfully silent - an awkwardness hung in the air. he sat down on the swing, chewing his lip. i hesitantly sit next to him.

"i'm sorry." sorry? sorry for what? what did you do?

i furrow my brows, "what?"

"the rose at your locker." wait what? tj is my secret admirer. "no i'm not your secret admirer. i-it was a stupid prank set up by reed and the rest of the basketball team were in on it."

my heart shattered. this can't be happening. my phone started blowing up as notifications streamed through. i look at tj who shuts his eyes right, a tear rolls down his cheek. i unlock my phone and open up instagram, clicking on tj's account. there's a photo of me holding the rose, smiling. the caption was just cruel - 'gay boys in love with me'

no no no no no!

"i- how could you!" tears were streaming down my face, how could he violate my privacy like that? i trusted him, he was my best friend. but all this time he just used me for some stupid prank.

"cyrus i didn't-"

"didn't what? didn't post it? because you clearly did! it's on your fucking account! i can't believe i thought you would actually want to be my best friend, gosh you're just as shallow as reed! yes i'm gay, and fuck you for making a joke out of something i've struggled with for years. anyone who falls in love with you should run, you're an asshole! fuck you tyler!"

with that i just ran, straight past the spoon, straight to my house. i slammed the front door - not that anyone was home to care. i curled up in my bed and cried. how could this happen? i was going to be a joke at school, i would probably lose all my friends but worst of all, i've already lost my best friend, i thought he valued our friendship, but he sold me out for those jerks.

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