tj| xviii: if in doubt, speak to your crushes best friend

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i walk through the park, hoping to find buffy which i see her talking with jonah and andi. "hey slayer!" i high five her and as to talk to her alone. "so what's up?" we sit down on a bench looking out into the park.

"okay promise me you won't tell anyone, not even cyrus, anything i say to you on this bench."

"sure, now tell me, i'm curious."

"i don't know how to say this so i'm just gonna say it how it is. every time i look at cyrus, i don't know, i get this feeling and just seeing him makes me so happy, and what i'm trying to say is that-"
"you like him"
"i-how did..."
"i'm not blind tj, it's obvious, to me anyway."
"what should i do?"
"just tell him, i mean what's the worse that can happen, it's cyrus after all..."
"yeah i guess, i just i get nervous around him and i try to act all cool and strong but i'm just soft around him and i never know what to do with myself."
"just be yourself, nothing can go wrong... well."

i chuckle and roll my eyes, "thanks buffy." she smiles and walks back to andi.

i think i'm gonna tell him.

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