cyrus| xvii: can't be

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it's been a week since i moved in with my mom and it's been great, i'm glad to have my family back, i do miss having my own space though, and it is weird not being around my friends all the time. i miss tj. it's been a while since we last hung out, i became preoccupied with my old friends.


it was pretty late, everyone was currently asleep, besides myself. "cy? you awake?" i hear a whisper from the top bunk. "yeah, what's up?" it's silent for a bit before i hear rustling and see evan's shadow carefully climb down the stairs and he sits next to me on my bed.

"i have to tell you something, and i don't want you to freak out, but i like you cyrus."

"you do?" i smile slightly as he nods. "i think i like you too." i feel him inch closer, until he puts his lips on mine. this kiss is short, but i don't mind.

end of flashback

"you want any breakfast?" i shake my head at evan, "i'm meeting up with the good hair crew at the spoon soon."
"oh okay, you doing good?" evan furrows his brows and i avoid his gaze.
"can we... talk?" he sits down next to me, "look i've been thinking and i thought i liked you, but that's just me bringing up old feelings, and i don't think that you love me, you don't know the new me, i've changed a lot evan. i know it's not what you wanna hear but it's the truth. i still wanna be friends."

"i don't know. i'm sorry." evan rushes out before i can say anything.

i pick up my wallet and leave to the spoon where i see andi, buffy, marty, jonah and tj. "hey, i would have done this sooner but they wanted me to settle in."

"it's fine, how is it in your new place?" andi smiles.
"crowded and i do miss my house, i miss you guys."
"we're always here cy-guy!"
"and we missed you. anyway, how are things with evan?" buffy wiggles hair eyebrows.
"i told him the truth, that i didn't like him anymore and that it was old feelings, he wasn't too... happy obviously, and i don't know how this will affect the house."

"i mean if you're unhappy there you could always move back to your old place, it's not like you can't see your mom whenever you want."

"i'll think about it. so what's going on with you guys?"

i hung out with my friends for the whole day, which meant i got back at 8pm. "oh my gosh cyrus! where were you? you weren't answering your phone, please don't scare me like that." i was soon smothered in a hug by my mom, the rest of the house watching. "sorry got caught up with time, i'm gonna head up to bed."
"what about dinner?"
"i've already eaten, goodnight." i head off upstairs and scroll online before sleeping.

a/n this was mostly a filler, the good stuff is coming soon!

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