cyrus| ix: sunny intervals

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i feel myself blushing as i look at my fingers. "you're adorable y'know. do you maybe want to go on a date with me? to the spoon?" i look at him as nod my head. all these old feelings came flooding back.


so, there i was in the spoons on a date with jonah, sat across from him in a booth at the back. i watch as he bites his lip before placing his hand on top of my own, grabbing a baby gator with his other hand, smiling goofily at me, which causes me to chuckle. his face drops lightly as he looks up, towards the door but soon is back smiling, "i'm glad i asked you here."

"i am too jonah. thank you." i look to my left and see tj and lester, sat at the table next to us. i just freeze slightly.

"cy..." tj holds my gaze for a second before glancing at mine and jonah's interlocked hands. he rushes out, lester calling after him.

"you okay?" i smile at jonah and lightly squeeze his hand to reassure him, even though i'm not okay. "he's gone and we can go back to finishing our date, just the two of us." i smile, liking that idea, but i can't stop my mind wandering to tj.

"i should probably get going, i have assignments due. this was really fun."

"could i maybe walk you home?" jonah smiles at me. i nod my head and pick up my jacket, putting it on as we walk out of the diner.

we take the long way round, both of us silently agreeing to do so. i feel our hands brush against one another, so i stick out my pinky, almost as an allowance to hold my hand, which he does, smiling widely. we reach my house after a while, and stand on my porch, looking at one another. jonah is still holding my hand. "we should do this again sometime."

"yeah, yeah for sure. thank you." i smile softly at him, he looks at my door nervously before leaning in to me, kissing my cheek. "goodbye cyrus." he bites his lip and jogs off.

i open the door and run up to my room. "jonah beck, why do you do this to me..."

a/n this was mostly just a filler chapter:)

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